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Jon Fleischman

NTLC’s Lew Uhler Urges Rejection Of Maldonado As Lt. Governor

One of the most prominent anti-tax organization in California, and across the country for that matter, is the National Tax Limitation Committee.

NTLC’s President, Lew Uhler, just sent over the following statement to publish on the FlashReport concerning the Governor’s nomination of State Senator Abel Maldonado to be Lt. Governor…

“I urge all legislators who are committed to limited government to vote against the confirmation of Senator Abel Maldonado to be Lt. Governor.

Taking a no new taxes pledge and then voting for the largest tax increase in the history of any state should not be rewarded."… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CRA Statement on Maldonado Confirmation Vote

CRA Statement on Maldonado Confirmation Vote The pending confirmation vote for Abel Maldonado as Lt. Governor is a sad day for California. He has not exhibited the honor, integrity or principles that merit support for this position. A confirmation would provide a stark contrast of the disconnect between the elitists and the Tea Party movement.

Ken Mettler, president of the California Republican Assembly, stated that, “Maldonado represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party and support for him will further encourage many voters to register decline-to-state.”

Ken Mettler President California Republican Assembly __________________________________________________ One would imagine that since the CRA does not speak out ahead of time on too many legislative votes that this one isRead More

James V. Lacy

Slate mailer racks up $84,000 fines

The Nonpartisan Candidate Evaluation Council owes the Secretary of State over $84,000 in fines for failing to disclose its finances. I was a little stunned by this report. As readers may know, I am involved in the slate mail business as well as running my law firm. Nonpartisan is a venerable but aging slate mail organization that has successfully mailed millions and millions of slates over the last 50 or so years of operation in California. It generally helped Republican candidates. Over the years, its operating management has changed several times, with notable consultants including Allan Hoffenblum and Dave Gilliard doing a good job of managing its program, and Shawn Steel later involved in its oversight. I had some limited ties to it during the 2004 cycle. But the operating management changed again around 2004, and the slate mailer, according to a published report, and study by the Sacramento Bee, completely stopped filing disclosure reports in 2007. Nevertheless, it mailed slates in the 2008 election cycle. The Bee determined that… Read More

Bill Leonard

Projections Moving Faster than the Trains

In the face of the state’s perpetual budget crisis, some Californians are beginning to regret their votes in favor of the $9.9 billion high-speed rail bond last year. Even though proponents of the train have now admitted the bond was only a down payment on the actual cost to build the system, the numbers that were projected are changing—and all in the wrong direction.

The business plan released by the train’s advocates last month show the dramatic differences in what the voters were told and what reality is. For example, the price of a ticket from San Francisco to Los Angeles is now projected at $105, up from the previous $55 estimate. That new number changed the ridership predictions: now 41 million annual riders by 2035, down from last year’s prediction of 55 million passengers by 2030. The cost for building the train system has also grown. The proponents had been thinking $33.6 billion (2008 dollars) but have revised upward to $42.6 billion. Recently, the Obama administration announced $2.25 billion in funding for the project. Proponents said federal money would be used to close the gap between the voter-approved bond and the ultimate… Read More

James V. Lacy

Statewide proposition lineup

Here is the statewide ballot measure lineup for the June, 2010 primary election in California, with minimal commentary: Proposition 13

Drawing an iconic proposition number for sure, this Constitutional Amendment was put on the ballot by the Legislature and was sponsored by Republican State Senator Ray Ashburn. It would ensure that new construction projects to comply with seismic safety requirements imposed by government will not result in an unwelcome higher property tax bill on the property, which is a pretty good idea.

Proposition 14

Another Constitutional Amendment measure put on the ballot by the Legislature, this amendment, sponsored by Republican State Senator Abel Maldonado, would change the manner in which political parties choose their nominees in partisan races. Instead of the current system, which is known as a "closed primary,"… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Napping in AD 77, Waking in AD 78, CalPERS says Pound Sand on Divestments, and More

The Oceanside Analysis… Voters in the City of Oceanside recently turned back a labor-fed attempt to recall Councilmember Jerry Kern, who fueled the contempt of the unions for touting fiscal responsibility. Now, the San Diego County Taxpayers Association has released an analysis of the fiscal problems in the city, concluding, "Generous increases in employee pension benefits coupled with lower than projected revenues are at the heart of the City of Oceanside’s municipal budget quandary." Read all the details and download the reports (link to the Oceanside item under News and Highlights)…

Taxpayers Association Analysis Pinpoints Cause of Oceanside Municipal Budget Deficit Napping in the 77th Assembly District… A few readers didn’t agree with my "ridicule" the other day of the lackluster fundraising by the field in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Carly Fiorina On President Reagan’s Birthday

This just in from U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina…

“Today we remember the birth of President Ronald Reagan, a leader whom I admire most because he was clear, because he was an optimist and because he knew that big government is the problem, not the solution. He led our nation through stormy economic times with policies that encouraged the growth of small businesses and allowed entrepreneurs and innovators to do what they do best – create jobs. His leadership and vision also expanded the reach of democracy in the world and made Americans more secure.

President Reagan was truly a pragmatic leader with a common-sense approach to politics who brought people together to carry the nation through difficult times. He held strongly to the values of limited government and individual responsibility. He was a great optimist who believed in the strength of the American people. He understood that the American Dream was something worth protecting.

As conservative leaders we must look to the approach to leadership that President Reagan so strongly demonstrated as a guidepost for our own solutions to the challenges we face today. We can do… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CRP Chairman Nehring’s Statement In Response To SacBee Story

Having been around politics my entire adult life, I know that it is a business that produces winners and losers. On occasion, those who lose are sore. And on even fewer occasions, some reporter eager to highlight division in the party gives the sore losers a platform. That’s what I see here.

This morning in the Sacramento Bee is such a story that I frankly would not link to this morning, finding it that lacking it news worthiness, but for the fact that having seen the full statement provided to the Bee reporter by CRP Chairman Ron Nehring, and how key parts of it never were included in the story, I thought it important for Nehring’s complete statement to be available for public consumption.

If you read the story, take note of Ron Nehring’s full statement below…

— Flash Read More

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