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Jon Fleischman

**From the Editor: Clarification And Apology**

Yesterday we carried a column on the FlashReport from longtime FR friend Villa Park Councilwoman Deb Pauly that was extremely critical of GOP Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman on the issue of paycheck protection.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of attention to detail on the part of the team here, that piece did not indicate that it was submitted to the FlashReport by the Poizner for Governor campaign, or that Deb was a backer of Poizner.

We here at the FlashReport take our business very seriously, and felt that this oversight needed to be corrected (the column if you go back to it is now correctly annotated) and a formal statement placed here on the blog.

Look for plenty of more pieces on this website that are hard hitting, that’s the nature of politics. But look for us to do a better job of letting you know from where the hit is coming.

Our apologies.

Jon Fleischman Publisher, The FlashReport… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

When Will Aaron Park Stop Lying?

[Cross-posted from]

Readers may recall that a few months ago we had to toss one of our contributors, Aaron Park, who used this blog to continually flack for the Steve Poizner for Governor campaign, but refused to disclose to readers that he was being paid to do so by the Poizner campaign. Even when given the option of continuing to blog for Red County — with the proviso that he disclose that he worked for the Poizner campaign when writing about Poizner — Aaron refused because disclosure would cause the Poizner to cut off their payments.

Recently, Aaron has been trying to rehabilitate himself by waging a dishonest campaign of personal attacks against myself and Chip Hanlon. Lately, he’s trying to equate Whitman buying blogads on Red County with his acting as a paid Poizner advocate on Red County without the knowledge of red County or its readers. It’s an absurd and untrue comparison…which is why I was surprised that Calbuzz but down hard on Park’s bait.

Calbuzz is a blog run by Jerry Roberts and Phil Trounstine, who consider themselves to be veteran journalist and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lew Uhler Vouches For Meg Whitman On Paycheck Protection

This in just in from Lew Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee…

The Paycheck Protection Initiative is too important to California’s future for it to be used as a political weapon in California’s Republican Gubernatorial Campaign. I have it on the highest authority that Meg Whitman is not opposed to Paycheck Protection and that she is not urging her supporters to boycott the initiative or ignore it financially. For Steve Poizner’s supporters to say otherwise is inaccurate and should stop. And now that public employee unions have announced a multimillion dollar independent expenditure campaign against Meg Whitman, she and her campaign supporters have ever more reason to engage the unions directly by supporting the paycheck protection initiative.Read More

Jon Fleischman

12 GOP State Senators Oppose Proposition 14

Earlier in the week I blogged that 11 GOP State Senators oppose Proposition 14, the "Top-Two" ballot system measure. Advocates say that the measure "opens" primaries but it actually closes General Elections, no longer guaranteeing that every party will have a candidate on the ballot each November. Well I got a revised letter just now, and that number is now 12 Senators — with Senator Dave Cogdill being on this letter as well (didn’t announce him before).

By the way, nothing emphasizes the nefarious legislative "blackmail" of Senator Maldonado of last February more than Senator Cogdill’s oppositions to Proposition 14, who was one of the primary architects of last February’s budget deal.… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Goehring Raises 100K at San Joaquin Event

Last night Brad Goehring (disclosure:client) held a fundraiser at Lange Twins Winery in northern San Joaquin County and raised in excess of $100,000 in his campaign to unseat liberal Congressman Jerry McNerney. With over 400 supporters coming out the event highlights the strong base of support Goehring has in San Joaquin County which is by far the largest geographic voting block in the 11th district.

Having already received the support of the San Joaquin Farm Bureau and the Associated Builders and Contractors along with a slew of GOP elected officials on both sides of the district, Goehring has the organizational strength on both sides of the district and the financial support needed to win the primary and square off against McNerney.

Goehring has raised the vast majority of his campaign dollars from inside the district and continues to receive endorsements from elected officials who actually reside in the 11th district. With a large lead in money raised to date, cash on hand, local endorsements and grassroots conservative support, Goehring continues to control the primary race for the right to defeat Mcnerney and return this seat to the GOP in the fall.… Read More

Bill Leonard

A Great Year for a Tax Revolt

On July 2nd, 2009 in a special session of the Legislature dealing with the budget, abill was introduced to mandate new reporting and filing requirements for tens of thousands of California businesses thatpreviously never had to deal with the Board of Equalization.The bill passedand was chaptered on July 28 without any of the usualpublic outreach or amnesty period. has the story this morning. More

Jon Fleischman

OC Lincoln Club Draws A Bright Line In The Sand

FR friend Bob Loewen of the Orange County Lincoln Club has blogged over at Red County something that is worth statewide attention. The Lincoln Club has decided to draw a bright line in the sand against the corrupting influence of public employee unions on public policy. The Lincoln Club has said that in order to receive a coveted endorsement from their organization, a candidate has to sign a written pledge that they will not accept political contributions from public employee unions.

This action follows after, and shows support for the strong call from Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh that candidates, whether seeking partisan or non-partisan office, who want support from the county party, must decline the endorsement of and contributions from public employee unions.

It is clear that these action are taking place because there is no logical reason for public officials to be voting to establish such unrealistic and unsustainable retirement benefits for public employees.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund: Terminator vs. Squirrel

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