It’s Looking Good for George Runner
I’ve been in politics a long time. So, count me jaded when a candidate puts out a press release that says "My poll says I’m ahead!"
Before I give any belief to a statement like that, I want to know what the questions were, how were all the candidates identified in the poll (it has to be what the ballot designation is likely to be – or it’s worthless), who is the pollster (has to be a respected one), and was this a “push” poll – where the opponents are cast in a negative light and the candidate in a positive one (these types of polls area wastebecause they don’t reflect reality).
So, I was impressed when I got the email below from Senator George Runner – candidate for BOE. Not only does it show George in the lead, but he gives us the questions that were asked, has very fair ballot designations of him and his opponents and the poll was done by Steve Kinney of Public Opinion Strategies – who I can personally vouch for as a top-flight pollster.
Poll Shows George Runner is Clear Frontrunner in BOE Race Sacramento
The results of a poll conducted… Read More