Today’s Commentary: Meg Whitman Endorsed By Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC
It has been well over thirty years since the landmark Proposition 13 was passed by voters on June 6, 1978, creating a “shot heard around the world” as the California measure not only implemented significant taxpayer protections here in California, but it spread like wildfire around the entire country, ushering in a wave of new policies favorable to taxpayers from sea to shining sea. Of course this measure was the brainchild of Howard Jarvis, whose passion for limiting government and preserving liberty for the people lives on today through the efforts of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA).
You would have to go back an awfully long way to find a time when HJTA was more powerful and important than it is today. There are a lot of reasons for this – including the immense fiscal challenges facing our nation, state and local… Read More