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Jon Fleischman

CA Pro-Life Council On “Whitman’s Reagan Posturing”

This just off the transom from longtime FR friend Brian Johnston of the California Pro-Life Council… State’s Largest Pro-Life Organization Takes on Meg Whitman’s Reagan Posturing SACRAMENTO, CA — In response to Meg Whitman’s blanketing of the airwaves and posturing as a ‘Reagan conservative", Brian Johnston, the Director of the California ProLife Council, explained his organizations concerns. Meg Whitman is no RonaldRead More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Releases Web Ad Calling Poizner’s Conservatism Into Question

This morning on our main page, we featured two new ads released by the Steve Poizner for Governor campaign. We just received this web ad from the Meg Whitman campaign, that really needs no introduction… I can’t imagine that similar videos to this, from Poizner critiquing Whitman, are far behind… To quote my friend Eric Hogue from his column this morning, it’s "game on" for sure…

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Congressman John Campbell

Command and Control

Quotes of the week:

“Let me just make this point, John, because we’re not campaigning any more…the election’s over.” President Obama to John McCain at the Health Care Summit. “I am reminded of that every day”Response from Senator John McCain (R-AZ) “You’re right, there was an imbalance on the opening statements; because I’m the President…I didn’t count my time in terms of dividing it evenly.”President Obama on why there was not an equal distribution of time for remarks at the Health Care Summit.

Command and Control: I have said before that the Obama/Pelosi/Reid cabal is more about ruling than leading and that their plans entail an oppressive government that runs everything and tells us what we can and can’t do.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Campaigning on County Email System?

The speculation has lasted for several months whether appointed incumbent San Diego County Assessor/Recorder/Clerk David Butler would seek election in his own right.

Appointed by the Board of Supervisors last year after 25-year office holder Greg Smith resigned in late 2008, Butler offficially announced today he will run for the seat. Very officially. After all, what better way to get the word out than by letting County employees know through use of the publicly-owned email system?

His first campaign missive has established Butler’s efficiency! Why develop your own campaign distribution list, when the taxpayers’ system is already in place?

Okay, some might say that the message below from Butler doesn’t actually say anything akin to "Vote for me," or direct anyone to a campaign website. It could be construed aspertinent information for the office. Yet, it does include items for which he is taking credit, while titling them "Critical Long Term Projects," the implication clearly being they are important enough that Butler needs to continue to serve.

After the recent Walt Ekard flap over his email… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

SD34 Watch: Anaheim Councilwoman Lucille Kring To Challenge Lou Correa

[Cross-posted from]

I’ve learned that Anaheim Councilwoman Lucille Kring visited the OCRegistrar of Voters office earlier this afternoon and pulled papers to run against Democratic incumbent Sen. Lou Correa in the 34th Senate District.

This is bad news for the vulnerable Correa, who was getting tantalizingly close to avoiding a real opponent in what promises to be the worst year for Democrats in a long, long time.

You can read the rest of the post here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Steve Poizner Files Paperwork; Officially A Candidate for Governor

The race for California Governor "officially" now has a candidate – Steve Poizner. This morning the Insurance Commissioner filed his papers making his candidacy official. Courtesy of his campaign, here is some local MSM news television coverage of his filing…

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Duane Dichiara

Who Is Working Hard (Who is Hardly Working)

While the media focuses on the actual or potential spending in the GOP Gubernatorial Primary, Republicans down-ballot are finding it more difficult to rally up the funds required to run statewide. Based on reported contributions to all committees controlled by a candidate, through Friday, Insurance Commissioner candidate Assemblyman Mike Villines (932k raised, 180k cash on hand) and Attorney General candidate State Senator Tom Harman (672k raised and 313k cash on hand) lead the pack. Villines obviously had the advantage of having been Assembly Republican Leader, and Harman has really improved his fundraising capabilities since he was first elected, mostly through hard work. Damon Dunn (129k raised) is the only non-elected Republican downticket candidate to break 100k.

Raised, by candidate:

Whitman for Governor $49.9 million Poizner for Governor $20.8 million Villines for Insurance Commissioner 932k Harman for Attorney General 672k Walters for Treasurer 211k Aanestad for Lt. Governor 163k Maldonado for Lt. Governor 129k Dunn for Secretary of State 129k Cooley for Attorney General 88k Eastman for Attorney General 20k… Read More

Bill Leonard

California Needs a Diet, Not Bankruptcy

To conclude that the state is bankrupt is to suggest that the state is unable to pay its debtors even after selling all its assets and giving up all its income. That is simply not true. The reality is that the state is choosing to spend more than it takes in, which is a policy choice that needs to change, but those who believe bankruptcy would make Sacramento face reality would not like the result.

In the past I have been loose with the word ‘bankrupt,’ but even if some court could have bankruptcy jurisdiction the state would still not be insolvent to file for relief. To be insolvent is to have debts greater than assets. Our debts are roughly $131 billion in General Obligation Bonds (issued and eligible) and leasing arrangements, plus around $500 billion in present and future pension and health liabilities, for a total of around $630 billion. On the asset side, the PERS account (underfunded but still substantial), plus all state property – the buildings, state parks, beaches, oil leases etc and other investments – is greater than $635 billion. As far as debt service, according to the Treasurer’s 2009 report, our annual total debt service is around… Read More

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