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Jon Fleischman

Whitman Releases The “You Can’t Trust Steve” Ring Tone

It’s only early March and we already have "attack ring tones" being released. Below you can play this ditty released by the Whitman campaign. Their campaign advises that at you can download the ring-tone to your your phone – nice, just in time for the State GOP convention!

I hear Joe Mathews may have downloaded it already!

Always quick with response is Poizner’s Comm Director Jarrod Agen…

"When you’re an out-of-touch billionaire, it is easy to waste millions on negative ads in an attempt to be ‘humorous,’ but unfortunately there are millions of Californians out of work and struggling to find jobs. Meg Whitman has offered no plans to solve California’s economic crisis and all the jingles in the world won’t hide her endorsements of Barbara Boxer and Al Gore or her opposition to across-the-board tax cuts."Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mountjoy Urges CRA Delegates To Endorse Poizner.

This weekend themembers of the California Republican Assembly, the state’s premier conservative grassroots GOP organization, will meet in Orange County for their annual convention. At this event, the CRA will consider making endorsements in Republican statewide primaries.

Below is a letter that was sent out to CRA convention delegates from well-respected former State Legislators and former CRA State President Dick Mountjoy — urging delegates to support an endorsement of Steve Poizner.

From what we hear, it will either be a Poizner endorsement or none at all — Whitman’s not in the hunt to gain support from this key group. But she’s making a play to try tstop Poizner from getting the required and tough 2/3rds vote. Both Poizner and Whitman are speaking at the event.

It is worthy of note that Poizner was endorsement by the CRA in his successful 2006 bid for Insurance Commissioner.

The Mountjoy Letter…

CRA Delegates:Read More

Jon Fleischman

Our Apologies

Our modifications to the main page have met with some technical difficulties in publishing up today’s news links on the main page, and some functionality of the blog scan feature relative to the new main page tool. We are working on resolving the issues.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pardon Our Dust

The main page will be up a little late today as we’ve been working with our development team on a widening of the main page. This minor change on the main page will allow us to feature more content there. We’ll write more about the changes, but you can check them out now.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Wishful Thinking From Speaker Perez

You are probably going to have to look pretty far to find a Republican in the Capitol (well, with the exception of Abel "I’ll vote for anything to get confirmed" Maldonado, who is going to sign up for the latest proposal from newly minted Assembly Speaker John Perez to have the legislature pass budgets by majority vote.

Don’t get me wrong, from a philosophical perspective, it makes sense. Let the Democrats own the budget, and get out of this terrible system where Republicans are plied into voting for what is typically a terrible spending plan for California.

That said, the practical reality is that Republicans have very little leverage in the Capitol as it is, and the Democrats are doing such a, frankly, horrific job on the public policy front, that it would be almost criminal to give them even more unfettered and unchecked authority in the building.

In addition, I certainly didn’t hear Perez offering up anything concrete as a "trade off" as he asks his Republican colleagues to turn into Cheese-Eating Surrender… Read More

Barry Jantz

Anderson Makes it Official in SD 36

Coming as no surprise to many political watchers, while ending months of speculation for others, Assemblyman Joel Anderson (R-77) today made it official that he is seeking the San Diego-Riverside area Senate seat currently held by a term-limited Dennis Hollingsworth.

"I’m running for Senate because my work in the legislature is not done," Anderson said. "California is at a tipping point and our state needs a strong conservative voice to stand up against calls for higher taxes, one who will fight to bring jobs back to our Golden State."

Anderson’s recent legislation includesthe IOU Taxpayer Protection Act. The bill was recently praised as a model for bipartisanship by new Democratic Assembly Speaker John Perez in his inaugural address.

Anderson has earned Straight A’s from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and 100% ratings from the California Taxpayers Association. The California Republican Assembly has given him a perfect voting record for each year since 2006 he has served in the Assembly.

He has been endorsed for Senate by Congressman Duncan Hunter and the California Pro-Life Council.

Other… Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

McKeon Introduction to Blog

It is an honor to have been asked by Jon Fleischman to write for the FlashReport. I look forward to regularly contributing posts to this top news site covering national and state politics.

As I make frequent trips back and forth from Santa Clarita, CA to Washington, DC, I get to witness firsthand how the policies of Washington affect usback home. It is my hope this column will serve as a direct line from my computer to yours (or BlackBerry, iPhone…) to discuss these important policies and their impact on California. These posts will be unedited by Jon or FR editors and will be unaffiliated with the other regular contributors to this blog.

I continually speak with constituentsin the 25th Congressional District who share their views about health care, unemployment, the economy and national security, and are passionate about events and legislation in Congress. Sometimes news reports fail to cover the various complexities of these political issues, and the FlashReport is the perfect venue toopen that discussion online.

I look forward to writing and to hearing your feedback.

Buck McKeon… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Know The Enemy

Below is the formal announcement for Governor from the candidate who would further erode the liberty and freedom of Californians, and grow the bureaucratic state… Not that you can tell by his rhetoric of not raising taxes and downsizing state government.

Read More

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