Empowering Voters to Limit Government Control of Healthcare
This morning, I was joined in the State Capitol by John Coupal from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and John Graham, Director of Healthcare studies at the Pacific Research Institute to introduce Senate Constitutional Amendment 29. This Amendment, known as the "California Healthcare Protection Act" will give California voters veto power over potentially restrictive state and federal healthcare legislation.
SCA 29 would require voter approval of any state or federal measure implementing a healthcare program mandating individuals to obtain healthcare coverage, guarantee issuance of health care coverage, creates a "pay or play" system for employers, creates a government entity to compete with private plans or creates a single-payer healthcare system. Voter approval would be required for any program containing at least one of these five provisions.
Ensuring that voters maintain control of their personal healthcare choices and allowing them to be heard is critically important. California families have a right to affect changes that would take personal decisions like choosing a family doctor, out of their hands and into the control of… Read More