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Mike Spence

Revolt From Within Debra Bowen’s Office?

I read in Capitol Morning Report that Roy Allmond, filed a candidate intention statement to run for the office of California Secretary of State as a Republican.

What I found intriguing was that according to the Sacramento Bee, State Pay Results, Allmond, works for the current Secretary of State’s Office, Debra Bowen.

So why is Allmond running to replace his boss? Is she incompetent? Where has she failed?

Is Allmond planning to resign from his current job as a protest or tp remove any hint of conflicting interests?

His opponent Damon Dunn is racking up endorsements and barnstorming the state. There is a rumor that a former Secretary of State (the kind that visits foreign countries) is going to endorse soon.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Endorsed By Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PAC

It has been well over thirty years since the landmark Proposition 13 was passed by voters on June 6, 1978, creating a “shot heard around the world” as the California measure not only implemented significant taxpayer protections here in California, but it spread like wildfire around the entire country, ushering in a wave of new policies favorable to taxpayers from sea to shining sea. Of course this measure was the brainchild of Howard Jarvis, whose passion for limiting government and preserving liberty for the people lives on today through the efforts of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA).

You would have to go back an awfully long way to find a time when HJTA was more powerful and important than it is today. There are a lot of reasons for this – including the immense fiscal challenges facing our nation, state and local… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Sold Out Candidate Forum Indicates Huge Interest in CD 19 primary

As the Fresno Bee reported, last Friday’s sold out Lincon Club breakfast forum, featuring former Fresno Mayor Jim Patterson, Current Fresno Council President Larry Westerlund, current State Senator Jeff Denham, and former member of Congress Richard Pombo was a great start to the public part of the campaign.

In promoting the forum, the Club promised hard hitting questioning, and our audience told us that we certainly met that test. Here issample of what we asked these four men:

Senator Denham:

California’s State Budget is a disaster of historical proportions, and yet you, in 2005-06 and in 2006-07, voted for State Budgets that raised the General Fund spending in California to unsustainable levels, from $81 billion to over $101 billion. The State Legislative Analyst correctly warned against the assumptions made in these budgets, and the LAO’s warnings turned out to be factually correct. We are still reeling from the fiscal disaster these budgets created. Later, in 2009, you voted to placeRead More

James V. Lacy

Don’t blame per diem; blame full-time legislature

The Orange County Register has an excruciatingly well-researched front page story today about how members of the California Legislature use (or abuse depending upon your outlook) so called away from home "per diem" tax-free payments that are intended to defray expenses of being away from their main homes, (presumably in their legislative districts) while tending to state business in Sacramento. One of the starkest examples provided was that of millionaire Orange County Congressman John Campbell. Campbell has a mansion in Irvine. But according to the report by reporters Brian Joseph and Molly Zisk, while in the state legislature Campbell charged the taxpayers $167,070 in addition to his salary, for away from home "per diem" expenses. In this five-year period, he purchased a home in the Sacramento suburbs for $300,000. He paid cash for the home. When he was elected to Congress, he sold the home for $665,000. The Register article claims Campbell tripled his personal investment by leveraging tax-free taxpayer supported per diem… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Reactions to Court Ruling — City of San Diego Campaign Finance Laws

In late December I wrote that the City of San Diego has "a series of campaign laws long ripe for a challenge on First Amendment grounds," and further asked, "Yet, what candidates have ever wanted to take on those laws at the risk of being perceived in the media — and at the hands of opponents — as wanting to loosen restrictions?"

This was in response to the news that a coalition was — finally — doing just that.

In case you missed it, a Federal court last week ruled against the City of San Diego’s overly restrictive campaign laws. Jim Lacy summarized it on Wednesday in his column here on the FlashReport:

A Federal court in San Diego yesterday issued a permanent injunction against the City of San Diego’s $500 contribution limit per person to independent expenditure committees involved in City elections. The ruling quotes the recent Citizens United case we have written about, and isRead More

Jim Battin

It’s Looking Good for George Runner

I’ve been in politics a long time. So, count me jaded when a candidate puts out a press release that says "My poll says I’m ahead!"

Before I give any belief to a statement like that, I want to know what the questions were, how were all the candidates identified in the poll (it has to be what the ballot designation is likely to be – or it’s worthless), who is the pollster (has to be a respected one), and was this a “push” poll – where the opponents are cast in a negative light and the candidate in a positive one (these types of polls area wastebecause they don’t reflect reality).

So, I was impressed when I got the email below from Senator George Runner – candidate for BOE. Not only does it show George in the lead, but he gives us the questions that were asked, has very fair ballot designations of him and his opponents and the poll was done by Steve Kinney of Public Opinion Strategies – who I can personally vouch for as a top-flight pollster.

Poll Shows George Runner is Clear Frontrunner in BOE Race Sacramento

The results of a poll conductedRead More

James V. Lacy

Gary Kreep scares Virginia Attorney General off CPAC panel

According to today’s Washington Post, conservative Republican Ken Cuccinelli, the Virginia Attorney General, was scared off of sharing the dias at CPAC today with prominent California-based conservative legal activist Gary Kreep, the cofounder of the United States Justice Foundation. The article cites a panel the two were to share, “Saving Freedom and Due Process from an Oppressive Justice Department” today at 12:15 p.m. Cuccinelli is a potential candidate for U.S. Senate or Governor in upcoming elections in Virginia. Gary is a director of Western CPAC well known for his accomplishments in the law for conservatives who also is a leading attorney, with two cases currently on appeal, challenging the eligibility of Barack Obama to be President on the claim he may not be a natural born citizen. The Post reports that Cuccinelli never agreed to serve on the panel, despite his name having appeared on the published agenda at for months. His spokesman says he decided in the end to speak on another panel on economic issues. It looks odd to me that an Attorney General would be confused about whether to speak on legal issues, his field of… Read More

James V. Lacy

A few other CPAC ramblings

I learned that the American Conservative Union will be holding a fundraiser at the Nixon Library in Orange County in late April, and the featured speaker will be ACU Board member and former UN Ambassador, the Honorable John Bolton. $250 a head. Hopefully a good "cross-marketing" platform for Western CPAC in October in Newport Beach. And John Bolton is a superb speaker and a great American. Stay tuned…..Stepped out of CPAC briefly to celebrity chief Charlie Palmer’s on Capitol Hill for a quick lunch and saw former Republican Congressional Majority Leader Dick Armey holding court at the next table, and at a nearby table, "that blond woman who is always on Hannity," (Floyd Brown’s observation) whoever that is……….We had stripped bass and walleye pike, a Midwest favorite. Will attend the CPAC speech tonight, not eat, then off to The Palm for a late dinner with Steve Some, who was once, and with recent electoral changes will soon be again, the premier state government lobbyist in New Jersey……..CPAC is full of young people – smiling, fresh, earnest young faces, male and female alike, just waiting… Read More

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