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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Meg: If You’re Unwilling To Be Hated, Please Don’t Waste Our Time

Memo to Meg Whitman and any other candidate for anything. Listen up. We’re backed into a corner in every area of America right now. We have no money in Washington, we are borrowing trillions. We are flat as broke in Sacramento, and we cannot borrow, and our counties, cities and school districts are all cratering under the weight of past stupidity and a bad economy. It isn’t going to get better anytime soon.

If you are running for office, and you don’t plan on attacking these problems, then just do us all a favor and freaking quit wasting our time. Because to attack these problems means you must educate the public about them and the reaction to that is going to be hatred. Yes. Hatred.

Entrenched spending lobbies will protest you, go on strike, attack your family, and lie about everything. You might even need personal security. If you can’t take that, then don’t run.

I hear today that Meg Whitman, like our feckless and ineffective Governor, is backing away from pension reform. Meg, why don’t you spend $100 million in the next couple of months educating the public as to why we need to dramatically fix… Read More

Meredith Turney

Glendale Disregards Private Property Rights

Last night, after watching the Olympics, I happened to see the local evening news and was infuriated by a story they reported about actress Eva La Rue. La Rue is an actress on hit television series ‘CSI Miami’ and resides in Glendale. Three years ago she built a gate on her property to add protection from a stalker. A beautiful, famous actress with an 8 year-old daughter, La Rue was concerned about her family’s safety. Apparently her neighbors didn’t like the new deterrent and complained to the city. La Rue was cited by city code enforcement for building the gate around her front yard. She appealed the decision and was granted a variance. But her neighbors still weren’t happy and appealed to the city council, who sided last night 4-1 with the neighbors. Read More

Jon Fleischman

Team Poizner Releases Web Video on Meg Whitman’s Support for Higher Taxes

Steve Poiznerlaunched a new web ad attacking Meg Whitman’s record on taxes. You can watch it below.

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Jon Fleischman

Talking and Endorsing John Eastman for Attorney General

Today the campaign of John Eastman for Attorney General got a big, talkative boost. The former Dean of the Chapman University School of Law, rolled out an impressive list of endorsements from some of the premiere names in talk radio in this country. Eastman has been endorsed by Bill Bennett, Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, and Dennis Prager. Prager has the distinction here on the FlashReport of having recieved the most "Golden Pen" recognitions in his role as a syndicated columnist.

What are they saying about Eastman?

BILL BENNETT “John Eastman is one of the great advocates for conservatives in this country. California would be well served with him as their Attorney General.” Read More

Jon Fleischman

New TV, Radio Spots From Whitman Campaign

Meg Whitman has launched her second television advertisement which you can watch below. Her campaign also released a new radio spot that features Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. The radio spot is under the tv spot below.

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Jon Fleischman

Who was having dinner at the Palm Restaurant In DC on Saturday night?

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail… FR friend John Fund recounts his dinner with newly minted MA Republican Senator Scott Brown, but you’ll be most interested in who they saw, but didn’t disturb, after dinner…

Senator Scott Brown and Fred Thompson have a fair bit in common so it’s no surprise they’ve become friends. In 1994, Mr. Thompson won a come-from-behind Senate victory in Tennessee driving an old pickup truck between campaign stops. Mr. Brown drove a 2005 GMC Canyon truck and solidified his "everyman" appeal to score an upset Senate win last month in Massachusetts.

Mr. Thompson, now a successful radio talk show host whose memoirs will come out this spring, was so tickled by Mr. Brown’s victory that he offered to rent him his Washington D.C. apartment, which is a convenient short drive from the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Call for Blogs, Websites, Resources

We are about to do a "pre-spring" cleaning up of our extensive links on this site.

As part of that process, we’ll be revising and updating our links to political and MSM blogs, both on the menu above and on our Blog Scan page. We will be updating our links to websites, resources, columnists and such.

If you have favorite places you go to on the web as a politico, that you would recommend we include, just drop us a note.

Thanks in advance for your input!

Jon Fleischman Publisher… Read More

Jon Fleischman

DeVore On The Floor: Taking The Democrats To Task

From FR friend Eric Reslock, about 40 seconds of Assemblyman Chuck DeVore speaking on the floor of the Assembly yesterday, chiding Democrats for pushing legislation that does nothing to solve our state’s imbalanced books… You tell them, Assemblyman! … Read More

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