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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Leonard To Enter Schwarzenegger Administration, Alby Will Become Acting BOE Member (Just In Time For Filing For Office)

One of the things I love most about my friend Barbara Alby is her "I know something that you don’t know look" — which hasn’t changed in the nearly twenty years that I have known her. When I sat down briefly with Barbara last weekend at the California Republican Assembly’s 75th Anniversary Convention in Buena Park, and asked her about her campaign for Board of Equalization, she gave me "the look" when I asked her about her ballot designation. She told me that it was "a surprise" but that her choice for ballot designation would be very important to her campaign (along with her published statement in the ballot pamphlet).

As always, Barbara has a gift for understatement.

During the CRA Convention, it was obvious that State Senator George Runner was out-hustling her for what concluded in his endorsement by the CRA for his candidacy. Runner had a full campaign operation working the event. In contrast, with a peace of mind about her that was enviable Barbara was in what I would call a "happy place" quietly chatting with the many convention delegates).… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Leonard To Enter Schwarzenegger Administration, Alby Will Become Acting BOE Member (Just In Time For Filing For Office)

One of the things I love most about my friend Barbara Alby is her "I know something that you don’t know look" — which hasn’t changed in the nearly twenty years that I have known her. When I sat down briefly with Barbara last weekend at the California Republican Assembly’s 75th Anniversary Convention in Buena Park, and asked her about her campaign for Board of Equalization, she gave me "the look" when I asked her about her ballot designation. She told me that it was "a surprise" but that her choice for ballot designation would be very important to her campaign (along with her published statement in the ballot pamphlet).

As always, Barbara has a gift for understatement.

During the CRA Convention, it was obvious that State Senator George Runner was out-hustling her for what concluded in his endorsement by the CRA for his candidacy. Runner had a full campaign operation working the event. In contrast, with a peace of mind about her that was enviable Barbara was in what I would call a "happy place" quietly chatting with the many convention delegates).

It turns out that Barbara was… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Passing the Kool-Aid in D.C.

Yesterday several interesting discussions took place at the Public Lands Steering Committee of the National Association of Counties in Washington, D.C. A disturbing trend I’m seeing is that a subject that increasingly comes up in meetings involving federal land managers is Global Warm- er … I mean ‘Climate Change’ (which is the term that attributes any change in the weather to greenhouse-gas emitting – read breathing – human beings).

One speaker, Tom Tidwell, Chief of the USDA Forest Service, claimed that climate change has increased wildfire seasons by a month, and that it has caused more frequent and severe fires and droughts. When a county commissioner asked him whether the lack of proper forest management resulting in overgrowth had anything to do with the fire problems, he didn’t seem as convinced of that possibility even though intellectually it makes more sense to a lot of people.

Later in the discussion a resolution was introduced to oppose the federal government’s plans to establish a "cap and trade" system for controlling greenhouse gases. I was quite pleased to see the resolution pass.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Audio – The Roy Ashburn “I’m Gay” Interview With Inga Barks in KERN Radio Bakersfield

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Jon Fleischman

The Only Tax Relief To Businesses In LA Comes To Those Who Can Choose To Flee

On Saturday morning I was reading through MSM websites gathering news stories, and almost did a double-take when I came across one story filed by Phil Willon on the Los Angeles Times website — the headline said that the Los Angeles City Council had relaxed a tax on business.

The reason for the double-take, of course, is that the Mayor and almost all of the City Councilmembers of Los Angeles are liberal Democrats who undoubtedly are looking for more ways to gauge money from area businesses, not provide relief from taxation.

When I read more, however, it became very clear to me what was going on. The specific issue was the City Council providing tax relief to "internet-based" businesses. Or put another way, these are businesses that can very easily pick up and leave Los Angeles and not materially impact their business-model.

The Los Angeles City Council on Friday voted to cut business taxes for Internet-based firms that hadRead More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Releases New Video On Job Creation

Meg Whitman’s campaign for Governor has released a new video on job creation… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Roy Ashburn: “I am gay.”

On the Inga Barks radio program on Kern Radio, AM 1180, State Senator Roy Ashburn told Inga and listeners that he is gay, and asked that people pray for him.

We’ll work on getting the audio as soon as possible.… Read More

Bill Leonard

California Budget Mess Will Not be Solved on Margins

I was struck by an excellent column by Timm Herdt of the Ventura Star. He posed a very insightful question, “Are efforts to better collect taxes that are already owed the political equivalent of actually raising taxes, or are they designed to ensure fairness for those who are already paying their full share?” I say the answer is they are tax increases, but so small as to be inconsequential. Fairness is pursuing individuals who falsify their tax returns and purposely do not pay. Raising other people’s taxes is not fairness.

Herdt focuses on several issues, like the proposed “Amazon tax” that would require internet retailers with affiliates in California to collect sales tax on behalf of the state for sales that they do not make. Another is a proposal to assess penalties on high-income taxpayers who are denied eligibility for certain tax credits. Under the bill (SBX8 32), those who unsuccessfully claim credits that defy “reasonable basis” in an “excessive amount” – both undefined terms – face a 20% penalty of the amount claimed, if the taxpayer makes over $250,000 a year. At the same time, the bill would allow people who short-sell… Read More

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