What do Gay Republicans say about Senator Ashburn’s situation?
In the wake of Senator Ashburn’s arrest last week, I found myself actually hoping for communication from the CRP. Those are the moments when leadership is needed, and the party needs a positive and unified message. But unfortunately, the CRP was deafeningly silent when the Senator was arrested.
So I called my friend, Charles Moran, who ran media for the California delegation at the RNC convention in 2008, to find out what the Log Cabin Republicans think about Senator Ashburn’s predicament. And as you will see below, there is a good reason why Charles is the national spokesperson for the Log Cabin Republicans…he is excellent at communicating on subjects that can be very difficult. I appreciate what he had to say.
JIll: Generally speaking, what was your reaction to the news regarding Senator Ashburn’s arrest for DUI, and the mention that he was driving from a gay bar?
Charles: The first reaction was one of concern of the safety of the pubic – drinking and driving is a grossly irresponsible and dangerous practice… Read More