Profiles in Courage?
I about hit the floor ten minutes ago. Assemblyman Michael Villines (R – Tax Collector) has a facebook post touting his new "Profiles in Courage" Award for raising taxes last year in the worst economy in 60 years. Here was the quote from Caroline Kennedy:
"Faced with the most difficult choices and a budget crisis of unprecedented magnitude, these legislative leaders had the courage to negotiate a compromise that they felt was in the public’s best interest,” said Caroline Kennedy, President of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation. “They did so knowing they would suffer the wrath of their constituents, powerful interest groups, and their own party members. The members of the Profile in Courage Award Committee chose to herald this story of political courage and bi-partisan compromise with the hope that it will inspire other elected officials facing similar challenges to stand up with courage, to cross party lines, and to do whatever is necessary to better serve the public interest.”
Yes, according to… Read More