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Ray Haynes

Please, Govern as Conservatives

It is the primary season in a year of Republican ascendancy. Conservatives have figured out that their fratricide of the last several years handed power over to the Democrats, and they have united (to a certain extent). That means that candidates have "seen the light," they have experienced their election year conversions, and all Republicans candidates are conservatives. They run commercials this time of year touting how conservative they are, how their opponents are not, and how they are going to implement [insert conservative agenda item here] when they get elected.

This year they will be elected. Whether they are running for Governor, Senator, Member of Congress, Legislator or other, they will be elected. As in 1994, they will suddenly have power.

However, for the last 16 years, many of these candidates have been sitting in their offices, their country clubs, their neighborhoods or in their homes, listening to the media, their friends, their office mates, or their business associates deride conservatives in office. They have been told how unreasonable conservatives are, how unrealistic they are, how important it is to work with liberals,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senior Fiorina Consultant Memo RE: Field Poll

GOP Consultant/Strategist Marty Wilson (pictured) is driving things over at the Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate Campaign. With the latest numbers out from the Field Poll, Wilson fired off an e-mail a few folks — one of whom sent a copy of it along to us. We thought, while protecting our source, we’d post it up for your perusal… From: Marty Wilson Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 To: XXXXXXXXRead More

Jon Fleischman

Latest CRP Podcast Features FR’s Jon Fleischman, CRP Chairman Ron Nehring, and GOP Strategist Jennifer Jacobs

I strongly encourage FR readers to listen to this week’s California Republican Party podcast.

The first half of the podcast is devoted to discussing last weekend’s State GOP Convention. But the most important segment to discuss would be the second half of the show, where we talk about why Proposition 14, the "so called" Open Primary measure is very, very bad for all Californians.

CRP Chairman Ron Nehring hosts the program, and appearing with me as the other guest is Jennifer Jacobs.

You can listen to the podcast here. You can subscribe to the CRP’s weekly podcast on iTunes.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Richard Costigan: Whitman Unveils “Policy Agenda For Building A New California”

At a campaign stop in Orange County on Wednesday, Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman unveiled a new policy document… Longtime FR friend Richard Costigan, who heads up the policy team for Whitman, fills in FR readers… Meg Whitman’s "Policy Agenda For Building A New California" By Richard Costigan Meg Whitman 2010 Deputy Campaign Manager, Director of Policy Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

Americans Don’t Know the Half of It (Literally)

While House Democrats are plotting political gimmicks and backroom deals while vying for ‘yes’ votes on their health care bill, most Americans would be shocked and confused to learn that Democrats have included a plan – tied to the health care bill – to eliminate private-sector options for a government-managed direct student loan program.

In 1993, President Clinton expanded the government-operated direct loan program. While I didn’t support the move then, Republicans and Democrats aimed to strike a balance between government-controlled student loans and private loans. With this new super-Democrat majority, the days of negotiation have passed, and Democrats have made leaps towards a full government takeover of the student loan industry.

Not only are these two bills now being tied together in reconciliation, they also have eerily similar historic paths. Just as the Majority said they wanted to create a ‘government option’ for student loans, to only fully takeover the program years later; they are making the same claims about health care today. For Democrats, it starts with a call for a ‘government option,’ but make no mistake; the intent… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

The IRS Visits Business That Owed 4 Cents

Here’s an unbelievable story in the Sacramento Bee that looks at the various aspects of how government is trying to shake down Californians – even for 4 cents! And after they had already received a letter saying they were all good!

No wonder taxpayers are saying "enough is enough."… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*Breaking News* GOP AG Candidate Eastman Files As ‘Assistant Attorney General’

Today conservative leader and attorney John Eastman formally filed his candidacy for State Attorney General. This is not unexpected as Eastman has been running hard for the office since jumping into the primary earlier this year.

But we have learned that Eastman’s candidacy will be getting a significant boost from his ballot designation. Up until recently, Eastman has been the Dean of Chapman University’s School of Law (ironically, in that role he was the "boss" of U.S. Senate candidate Tom Campbell, who is teaching there right now). But with Eastman having stepped down from that role, what IS he doing for an income?

Eastman is an ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL (and has filed his ballot designation as such).

But wait, before you ask whether Eastman has been appointed by California Attorney General Jerry Brown, let me assure you that he most definitely has not. It turns out that Eastman’s primary source of income is now a legal case in South Dakota, where he is representing the State in a case before the United States Supreme Court. In this capacity, Eastman was appointed as an… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Furlough Fridays – The Rap Video

Courtesy of an FR friend, Furlough Friday’s are providing an opportunity for some creative, talented state university employees to get it on…

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