Tuesday Afternoon Thoughts
Acting Board of Equalization Member Barbara Alby and BOE Staff Member for Michelle Steel have teamed up to file legal action challenging State Senator George Runner’s inclusion of "Taxpayer Advocate" as part of his ballot title. They charge they they are all taxpayer advocates, but that Runner’s full time job is legislating. Runner has been hired on a part-time basis by Americans for Prosperity’s California branch to do some work — with a job title of Taxpayer Advocate… We’ll see what a judge says… Steve Poizner is now calling on The Force to help him out in his campaign for Governor. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Proposition 14, which we have dubbed the "Make it easier to raise taxes" measure — which was specifically written to reduce the number of solid, anti-tax conservatives in the legislature — isn’t doing nearly as well in the polls as people have said — coming in at just 56%. Hopefully the voters will get a chance to understand that this measure is part of … Read More