iPhone users HEART Jerry Brown?
If you’re a FlashReport reader with an iPhone, and think that the next Governor of California should be a Republican, than you need to step it up.
I was reading about a new group, CALInnovates, which is all about keeping government regulation of of technology and innovation. You should check out their website here. Anyway, these guys did a survey and found out that Blackberry users are more likely to support a Republican this November, while iPhone users are more likely to support a Democrat. There may be something to this because – well, I use a Blackberry…
Well, perhaps more useful is that CALiInnovates have developed a new app for Blackberry and Facebook to allow for tracking of political news that is worth checking out. If you are like me, you upload tons of apps, and delete the ones that don’t make the cut. I’ve uploaded this one – we’ll see if I keep it!
I’m not in Sacramento tomorrow – but if I were, I’d be heading over to Pyramid (1029 K Street) from 530pm – 730pm where CALInnovates is buying the beer. From our perspective, we think that CALInnovates should require a… Read More