Star Parker, Chris Lancaster and Los Angeles CRA Endorsements
For those unfamiliar with the California Republican Assembly endorsement process, it is bottom up. This means that local units endorse locally not the state. Any unit that has ANY part of the district in their boundaries can participate. Gerrymandered districts make this interesting. As a past president I know this makes things interesting. Sometimes the locals defy prevailing wisdom. I have seen a great conservative do something to enrage local delegates and lose the endorsement and I have seen local units find a gem that no one in Sacramento is talking about. And as always it takes a 2/3rds vote of the delegates to be endorsed. CRA held their Los Angeles endorsing convention Saturday in Pasadena. CRA President Celeste Greig presided. Below is the list of endorsements. There were some good presentations. Star Parker running against Laura Richardson for Congress is always awesome to hear. She was of course endorsed. The one surprising race was the 59th AD. The San Bernardino County part of the district was invited. And the Hesperia unit I’m told decided not to send delegates. Anthony Riley, Ken Hunter and Corey Calaycay didn’t show. I… Read More