Rove Visit to Fresno – Richard Pombo’s Mention in Rove’s Book
This item just posted on the Fresno Bee political notebook blog page – apparently Republican Congressional candidate and former House Member got a mention in Karl Rove’s new book, Courage and Consequence. Rove was in Fresno on Tuesday morning at a breakfast for Supervisor Debbie Poochigian. Richard Pombo was also at the breakfast, where copies of Rove’s book were handed out to the attendees.
Unknown to most, if not all of the breakfast attendees, at the time, was the mention of Pombo on page 463 of Rove’s book. Click here ot read the Fresno Bee post.
The race to succeed George Radanovich in CD 19 isa wide open affair, with Pombo, State Senator Jeff Denham, and former Fresno Mayor Jim Patterson competing for the nomination. Fresno Council member Larry Westerlund is also running in the contest. Too close to call as of this date.… Read More