Ballot Statements
Over the past few weeks many of us have been involved in the process of writing ballot statements and submitting them to the Secretary of State and county election officials. After each cycle I always shake my head at this process.
Here are a couple things that need to changed.
The date that statewide ballot statements are due needs to be the same or later than the deadline to file for office. Some of you may not be aware that under Prop 34 candidates that accept expenditure limits are able to but a place in the statewide ballot pamphlet for $25 per word. It is a great opportunity to communicate with voters for campaigns that may not get much of an opportunity.
So the deadline for this is? February 17th. No problem right? Wrong. The deadline for filing to run for office is March 12th. So if you decided you want to run for Governor on February 18th this year then you did not have this option available to you.
That is not a real opportunity to compete for the position. This is especially true for down ticket races.
As I understand it, Senator Tony Strickland did not decide to… Read More