San Diego GOP Fends off Legal Challenge to be Lone Advertiser in June Sample Ballot: Decision has Statewide Ramifications
When Republican voters in San Diego County open their June sample ballots in the next few weeks, most will see something new — a color GOP fundraising appeal in the middle of the other usual black and white pages, touting the party’s locally supported candidates and positions on ballot measures.
When San Diego Democrats glance at their versions of the sample ballot, they obviously won’t see the Republican advertisement. Yet, they also won’t see one of their own.
A little known and perhaps long forgotten 1970s-adopted section of the California Elections coderequires every county Registrar of Voters to provide to each party committee the space for a letter or insert of solicitation in the June voter pamphlet. This year local Republicans submitted an advertisement, then yesterday successfully fended off a legal challenge over its contents in Superior Court.
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