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Meredith Turney

Cal State Northridge Prof Promotes Thai Sex Tourism

The Los Angeles Daily News posted a disturbing story yesterday about a Cal State Northridge professor who is the publisher of a web site that promotes sex tourism in Thailand. According to the news article, the associate professor, Kenneth Ng, teaches economics at the California school and in his spare time runs the web site Apparently CSUN doesn’t have a problem with Professor Ng’s “extracurricular activities” because he doesn’t utilize state or university resources.

After reading the LA Daily News article, I visited Mr. Ng’s web site. A brief look at the front page shows pictures of Thai women, images of Viagra and articles about how to send money to “Your Girl” in Thailand.

Some may joke that Mr. Ng, an economics professor, is merely promoting the oldest profession, and technically isn’t violating any laws. But asRead More

Your Accountant and the State Board

With Tax day gone for 2010 many of us can breath easier. But there is a bit of controversy brewingat the largely under the radar California Board of Accountancy.

Brian Joseph at the OC Register has decided to pick on your favorite pencil pushing CPA by suggesting that the board that oversees the profession is operating in a less than transparent way.

Apparently if you go to the California Board of Accountancy web site, they fail to list every detail of everywild accusation facing CPAs in the state. Instead, they list the names of any CPA under investigation and ask that you email or call for a copy of the report. I think this is an entirely appropriate method of operation. And apparently so does the board. But they will soon revisit the policy and perhaps make the accusations public immediately.

That would be a bad move.

Professionals who are recognized and licensed by the state ought to be held to a higher standard, and they are. However, they should not be subject to… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Year of the Woman?

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James V. Lacy

Democrat Nominclature and Power Grabs

Does the average California Democratic Party leader understand the philosophical underpinnings of personal property rights under the U.S. Constitution or do they just reflexively opt for the policy that creates more government power? I want to know. I do know one Democratic party leader in south Orange County that is a liberal, but seems to me to understand that the basic economic model of the Constitution is worth preserving. But that’s the only example I can point too. Is she the exception that proves the rule?

Reading today’s Santa Barbara News Press, I note that "Daraka Larimore-Hall," the Santa Barbara Democrat party "chair," (this inspires so many more questions I have about Democrat party leaders, especially the women. Why do they have so many unusual names like "Daraka" and "Kamala," in comparison to Republican leaders? How come the Orange County GOP "chair" isn’t named something like "Tomas Fuentes-Billingsly?") said yesterday that the Democrats are "ready to hit the ground" in the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lefty Progressives on Sac Bee Editorial Board HEART Tom Campbell

Well, the progressive liberals that dominate main stream media newspaper editorial boards are at it again. This time we see it is the sage and wise lefties on the Sacramento Bee Editorial Board who are telling us that Tom Campbell is the best GOP pick for the U.S. Senate. You know what I say to these fine folks on the SacBee Ed Board who in 2008 levied their endorsement of Barack Obama for President of the United States? Butt out!

This "quaint tradition" of these lefty progressives on editorial boards for newspapers weighing into Republican primaries with their pronouncements of who Republicans should pick is a joke — and a dubious practice. Why should readers trust the motives of an editorial board’s pick in a GOP primary when their ultimate goal is to see the GOP put up a candidate that will lose to the Democrat in November?

I have known Tom Campbell for a long, long time. Sure, I may not agree with him on all of the issues — and he certainly doesn’t agree with me. But he is in a dialogue with Republicans about why he… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Lefty Progressives on Sac Bee Editorial Board HEART Tom Campbell

Well, the progressive liberals that dominate main stream media newspaper editorial boards are at it again. This time we see it is the sage and wise lefties on the Sacramento Bee Editorial Board who are telling us that Tom Campbell is the best GOP pick for the U.S. Senate. You know what I say to these fine folks on the SacBee Ed Board who in 2008 levied their endorsement of Barack Obama for President of the United States? Butt out!

This "quaint tradition" of these lefty progressives on editorial boards for newspapers weighing into Republican primaries with their pronouncements of who Republicans should pick is a joke — and a dubious practice. Why should readers trust the motives of an editorial board’s pick in a GOP primary when their ultimate goal is to see the GOP put up a candidate that will lose to the Democrat in November?

I have known Tom Campbell for a long, long time. Sure, I may not agree with him on all of the issues — and he certainly doesn’t agree with me. But he is in a dialogue with Republicans about why he… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Death Penalty in California is a Joke

Two potential death penalty cases have been in the news lately. One involves the murder of Chelsea King earlier this year in San Diego by John Gardner. That has earned world wide media attention. The other involved the murder of Yolo County Deputy Sheriff Tony Diaz by gang member Marco Antonio Topete in June 2008. It is the big news around the Sacramento region.

The father of Chelsea King made a difficult but wise decision by supporting a plea bargain that will mean that Gardner dies in prison. This saves the taxpayers millions of dollars in the initial case and the appeals. This case would have been a media circus and cost San Diego County a fortune. It also will bring some closure to a community that has had to deal with the horror of this crime.

The problem is one that was identified when Chelsea’s father Brent said, "While our unequivocal first choice is the death penalty, we acknowledge that in California that penalty has become an empty promise." He is so right. The most likely cause of death on California death row in old age.

So here in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rep. Radanovich Takes Off The Gloves in CD 19 Primary….

Congressman George Radanovich minces no words in his criticism of his former colleague, Richard Pombo, in a hard-hitting column submitted to us here at the FlashReport…

It begins… Those who work with me know that I rarely resort to public exchanges with other members of Congress and reserve that right only when I feel all other reasonable approaches have been exhausted. It is for this reason that I am writing in response to recent columns about former Rep. Richard Pombo, who is a candidate for the 19th Congressional seat that I now hold, and statements made by Rep. Devin Nunes. After nearly 16 years representing our district, I announced late last year that I would not seek reelection so I could spendRead More

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