Brulte: Gov’s Race “Just Beginning”
The Poizner for Governor campaign just released this memo from former Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte:
TO: Supporters FROM: Jim Brulte, Poizner Campaign Chair RE: Poizner Closing The Gap On Whitman DATE: April 23, 2010
*You Heard It Here First*
We are in the final stretch of the campaign and the polls are showing exactly what our campaign predicted.
We have said all along that as the voters begin to focus on the two candidates for Governor, the mile-wide and inch-deep support for Meg Whitman will begin to collapse and support for Conservative Republican Steve Poizner will begin to grow.
That is exactly what we see happening.You will recall the Whitman campaign recently touting public polls that showed Meg with a 49 point lead over Steve Poizner, but they have remained uncharacteristically silent about the recent SurveyUSA poll which shows that her lead has been slashed by more than 50%.
*The latest Survey*
USA public poll shows Meg Whitman's lead down to 22 points, while other private polls conducted throughout California show the race even closer.In reacting to the most recent Capitol Weekly poll, conducted… Read More