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Jon Fleischman

Bill Emmerson: Victorious

Congratulations to Assemblyman Bill Emmerson who today crushed his Republican opponents, including former Assemblyman Russ Bogh, in winning the Republican nomination for State Senate in the 37th District.

Emmerson will go on to a run-off election against a Democrat whose name is irrelevant. This special election was caused by John Benoit's resignation when he was appointed to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors.

Many folks played a role in Emmerson's win (besides Emmerson) and we'll write more on it. But kudos to Emmerson's consultant Jim Nygren, and to his onsite manager Josh Cook. A shout out also goes to the California Dental Association who went “all in” for Emmerson (a dentist) and to Joe Justin, their consultant.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Calling Out Betty Jo Toccoli, President of the “Small Business Association”

Betty Jo Toccoli is the President of the California Small Business Association. This is the same organization which, every year, awards the most liberal Democrats in the legislature kudos for their great small business votes. Worse, every year these kudos appear in campaign mail around the state… for the worst small business votes in the state.

So I’d like to use this forum to ask Betty Jo Toccoli and the California Small Business Association exactly how they come to their decisions in handing out rankings to legislators. It’s a fairly simple question, really. What’s the process, Betty? You can either email me directly or you can post below, and I’ll repost… won’t even edit. If its a real process there shouldn’t be any problem. If I’m somehow wrong, you have a clear shot at me here.

Now of course you can figure out the next post, which is Betty not responding, and me listing their corporate donors (already saved the page, Betty), and the lobbyists who represent them in Sacramento (saved), and asking you to call them to ask them why they are paying for this nonsense… then the post after where I show the… Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

Nuclear summit means hard work for the White House

The Nuclear Security Summit currently taking place in Washington, D.C. is certainly a historic event in that it marks the largest gathering of world leaders in the United States since the 1945 San Francisco Conference that founded the United Nations. A central theme of the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit is the President’s call for world leaders to work together in securing vulnerable nuclear material. In lieu of recent events, however, the President must also address the recent nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia and the release of the Administration’s own Nuclear Posture Review.

I agree and support the President along with fellow world leaders on their efforts to address the growing threat posed by terrorists’ access to vulnerable nuclear materials. The global community must take swift action to ensure the safety and security of these fissile materials.

What does concern me; however, is the President’s recent nuclear weapons reduction agreement with Russia. Any plan to reduce this country’s nuclear arsenal should be met with a plan to strengthen our defense capabilities. Instead, the President has… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sacramento Bound

Your FR Publisher is off to Sacramento for lots of meetings, presentations and a tax-day rally at the Capitol. We'll work on some good stories while there!

On my flight up from “The OC” are a bunch of Farmers Insurance agents going up to promote a better climate to do business (good luck with that!) and sitting in the very front row of this flight is FR friend John Cruz, Governor Schwarzenegger's Appointments Director. Sitting with me is my friend Jean Pasco, formerly a longtime MSM political reporter who for years as worked in the office of the Orange County Clerk Recorder. We'll undoubtedly share anecdotal stories of government-lameness the entire flight!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Liberal Newspaper Editorial Boards Start To Meddle In GOP Primaries

I am not trying to pick on former Congressman and ersatz United States Senator Tom Campbell, but he is the first candidate for a Republican nomination for statewide office to send out an e-mail touting the endorsement of a newspaper editorial board for his candidacy. In this case, the San Jose Mercury news published an editorial, Campbell is the best GOP candidate for U.S. Senate.

To all Republican voters, I would say, without any hesitation: you should be very cautious if not downright skeptical of candidates who are endorsed by main stream media newspaper editorial boards. The reason for this is that with rare exceptions (a shout-out to the O.C. Register and the San Diego U.T.), these editorial boards are packed with liberals who probably feel that the People’s Park in Berkeley should be the state’s political epicenter.

Every election cycle, these Editorial Board members who I’m sure overwhelmingly vote for whatever liberal is on their general election ballot (be it a Democrat, or maybe their local Green Party nominee) put… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Liberal Newspaper Editorial Boards Start To Meddle In GOP Primaries

I am not trying to pick on former Congressman and ersatz United States Senator Tom Campbell, but he is the first candidate for a Republican nomination for statewide office to send out an e-mail touting the endorsement of a newspaper editorial board for his candidacy. In this case, the San Jose Mercury news published an editorial, Campbell is the best GOP candidate for U.S. Senate.

To all Republican voters, I would say, without any hesitation: you should be very cautious if not downright skeptical of candidates who are endorsed by main stream media newspaper editorial boards. The reason for this is that with rare exceptions (a shout-out to the O.C. Register and the San Diego U.T.), these editorial boards are packed with liberals who probably feel that the People’s Park in Berkeley should be the state’s political epicenter.

Every election cycle, these Editorial Board members who I’m sure overwhelmingly vote for whatever liberal is on their general election ballot (be it a Democrat, or maybe their local Green Party nominee) put… Read More

Mike Spence

Star Parker, Chris Lancaster and Los Angeles CRA Endorsements

For those unfamiliar with the California Republican Assembly endorsement process, it is bottom up. This means that local units endorse locally not the state. Any unit that has ANY part of the district in their boundaries can participate. Gerrymandered districts make this interesting. As a past president I know this makes things interesting. Sometimes the locals defy prevailing wisdom. I have seen a great conservative do something to enrage local delegates and lose the endorsement and I have seen local units find a gem that no one in Sacramento is talking about. And as always it takes a 2/3rds vote of the delegates to be endorsed. CRA held their Los Angeles endorsing convention Saturday in Pasadena. CRA President Celeste Greig presided. Below is the list of endorsements. There were some good presentations. Star Parker running against Laura Richardson for Congress is always awesome to hear. She was of course endorsed. The one surprising race was the 59th AD. The San Bernardino County part of the district was invited. And the Hesperia unit I’m told decided not to send delegates. Anthony Riley, Ken Hunter and Corey Calaycay didn’t show. I… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund on the CalChamber Ad Flap; Crane’s Quote Of The Day

There are two items of California interest in today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail. A "Quote Of The Day" item, and John Fund writes on the broohaha on the CalChamber’s television advertisement taking on Jerry Brown, which they have now taken off the air… … Read More

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