Budget Woes
This is May Revise week. For those of you who don’t spend your time being a budget wonk, the May revise is the part of the budget process where the bureaucrats finally put together the numbers from the revenues from last year’s tax returns (remember when you filed those returns last month, and sent money to that major taxasaurus, yeah, that thing that devours your money and gives back what you would usually expect from an animal that eats constantly). This week is when the bureaucrats and budget staff have to face the realities of the budget, and then try to lie to the legislators to get them to pass a budget out of balance. Of course, when a budget is out of balance, it is never because the government is taking in more money than it is spending. It is always because the tax consumers consume more than than the taxpayers pay.
This is also an election year, and there are a lot of Republicans running for office all over this state that voted for budgets in the past, created this current budget mess, and are now trying to hide their responsibility for the current budget crisis. This crisis was not created in the 2010-11 budget (this year’s… Read More