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Congressman John Campbell

The Obama Foreign Policy

Quote of theday "..a miracle….We consider health reform to have been an important battle and a success of his (Obama’s) government." – Praise for the recently enacted healthbill from the Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro.

Foreign Policy: It is stunning how the Obama administration is fervantly pursuing a foreign policy that praises those who would destroy us yet punishes our allies and friends. The president’s multiple snubs of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House have been well publicized. The snubs included the conspicuousabsence of public appearances with the Prime Minister, rudely making him wait in the White House while Obama had dinner, and unwarranted public criticism of the Israeli settlements in Jerusalem, and all the while we continue to engage the regimes inIran and Syria. These actions show just how backwards this administration has things. Rather than criticize the Jerusalem settlements, I believe that the U.S. should move our Embassy from Tel Aviv,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Denham Launches Attack Ad On Pombo’s RV Use…

Consultants Dave Gilliard and Carlos Rodriguez, in this commercial for their client Jeff Denham, are taking a big stick to Denham’s primary opponent, former Congressman Richard Pombo. Back when he was in Congress Pombo took some flack for taking a motor home on the road to visit many of America’s National Parks (he was Chairman of the House Committee with jurisdiction over the National Park Service). Anyways, the ad speaks for itself… (there is a slight pause before the video starts)

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James V. Lacy

U. S. Supreme Court leans towards God

Though the "Roberts" Supreme Court operates on the meaty decisions largely by 5-4 votes, what great votes they are!

Our publisher made sure we reviewed the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in which the justices decided that a local Federal court sanctioned removal of an eight-foot-tall cross on a Mojave Desert hilltop as a memorial to fallen World War I service members, was probably illegal.

The case, known as Salazar v. Buono, began when a former National Park Service employee, Frank Buono, filed a lawsuit challenging the location of the cross on public land within California’s Mojave National Preserve. The suit said the presence of the cross on federal land violated the First Amendment’s prohibition on government endorsement of religion. A federal judge and federal appeals court panel agreed and ordered the cross removed. But on Wednesday, the Robert’s court, the same court that has upheld First Amendment rights against undue government control of the election process, reversed that decision and told the Federal judge to start over! Justice… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pro-Life Susan B. Anthony List Endorses Fiorina

Someone called the 1992 elections the "Year of the Woman" — but it would be more accurate that ’92 was the election of the pro-abortion women. In response to a year when a lot of female candidates who to not respect the Right to Life were elected, the Susan B. Anthony List was formed as national pro-life organization committed to elected pro-life women to office.

The Susan B. Anthony List has announced their endorsement of Carly Fiorina in the U.S. Senate primary here in California.

Of course, Fiorina has two primary opponents, neither of whom could qualify to get the List’s endorsement. Campbell, of course, is pro-abortion and does not respect the Right To Life. DeVore, who is staunchy pro-life, is not a woman!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pollster Lawrence: Pugno Wallops Democrats in November AD 5 Matchup

This just in from Matt Rexroad over at the Andy Pugno for Assembly campaign. My loooongtime friend Andy (we go back to our College Republican days together) is the front-runner in the GOP primary in the 5th Assembly District (where Roger Niello is termed out) in the Sacramento area. It is an interesting memo from Pugno’s pollster, the respected Gary Lawrence… The significant an important message in this memo is that Pugno is well ahead of any of the Democrats whom he may face this November…

TO: Andy Pugno FROM: Gary Lawrence RE: Survey Results DATE: April 27, 2010Read More

James V. Lacy

Lt. Governor Newsom??? Whether you like it or not???

Who would be a better Lt. Governor of California? Liberal Democrat San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom? Or Liberal Democrat Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn? Or Republican appointed incumbent Abel Maldonado?

What should be an easy rhetorical question on FlashReport is complicated by the fact that the Lt. Governor made a policy mistake in voting as a State Senator for a tax increase, and supporting Prop. 14, which would hurt "strong party" politics in California.

I am willing to accept Abel’s views on these items. On taxes, I urge the Lt. Governor to hold the line in future. The tax vote was a mistake. But the past is the past. Resolve to not re-enact the past. On Prop. 14, I agree with our publisher it is a horrible idea. But I am not willing to drum an accomplished political leader out of our party just because I disagree on an issue or two.

And I have done the research and know Abel is hardly a liberal. The fact is he is widely criticized on blogs and in local press by liberals in his former State Senate district for being too conservative.

Janice Hahn or Gavin Newsom… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Web Video Attacking Meg Informercial Off The Mark, But Entertaining…

The Whitman for Governor campaign has started to air their 30 minute "infomercial" which clearly is being aired as an advertisement for Whitman’s campaign. The style of the advertisement is to place the candidate, Whitman, in a "townhall style" environment, where she is meeting new people (presumably the voter at home can empathize as someone also trying to get to know the candidate). There was a dust up a couple of months back during the taping of this event because everything is staged, and someone had a video camera and caught candid moments of the coaching of the "actors" (supporters) in the spot. I didn’t devote a whole lot of time to this back when it happened because I found it to be largely a non issue. Why would a candidate tape their own advertisement and do so in an unpredictable, dynamic environment? I don’t know anyone who films a campaign commercial, whether 30 seconds or 30 minutes, that doesn’t completely control every word said from front to end.

Okay, that said, the Poizner campaign put together a short web video (we try to bring all… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

When it comes to the job market, the grass isn’t always greener

In a Washington Post article, “Five Myths About Green Energy,” Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Robert Bryce sheds light on the mythical green job industry, saying:

“The very concept of a green job is not well defined. Is a job still green if it’s created not by the market, but by subsidy or mandate?”

Bryce, who today releases his fourth book, “Power Hungry: The Myths of ‘Green’ Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future,” goes on to say:

“Growth Energy, an industry lobby group, says increasing the percentage of ethanol blended into the U.S. gasoline supply would create 136,000 jobs. But an analysis by the Environmental Working Group found that no more than 27,000 jobs would be created, and each one could cost taxpayers as much as $446,000 per year.

“Sure, the government can create more green jobs. But at what cost?"… Read More

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