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Matt Rexroad

Reality Sets In

This is the time in an election that reality sets in for some candidates. Those candidates that have embraced the energizer bunny strategy of walking to hundreds of households or writing handwritten notes to Republicans in a district of 50,000 voters start to realize why fund raising is so important.

This past weekend lots of candidates were out walking door to door. They probably worked really hard to speak to 100 people at most. I am being generous at 100. They are doing this because they are working hard and are sincere in their desire to win the election. Meanwhile another candidate with more resources is communicating with tens of thousands of voters at a time in the mailbox, radio, television, and/or automated calls.

Last week at this time many of these elections in races with more than 10,000 voters were close. All of the candidates were unknown. Just one week later the candidates with the resources to communicate to the electorate are making huge strides in earning votes with absentee and election day voters.

To the energizer bunny candidate — It just doesn’t seem fair. They would do a much better job in… Read More

Meredith Turney

Some California Candidates Energized by Bennett Defeat in Utah

Although they still hold a huge advantage in elections, 2010 is certainly the year of anti-incumbency fever among the electorate. With the surprising defeat of Utah Senator Bob Bennett last weekend, those challenging incumbents in primaries are feeling especially energized with just a few weeks to go before the June 8th primary.

Earlier today, congressional candidate Phil Liberatore held a press conference outside Congressman Gary Miller’s office, whom Liberatore is challenging in the primary, to discuss Miller’s campaign tactics. Apparently Miller’s campaign paid for some signs dubbing Liberatore a tax fraud. In his comments to reporters, Liberatore honed in on recent underdog victories fueled by the anti-incumbent attitude of voters.

"After Scott Brown there was Chris Christie, who ran for Governor of New Jersey and won in a state with a liberal majority. Then there was Bob McDonnel in Virginia who trounced his Democratic opponent by 18 points even though they had been evenly matched a few years back. And most recently there was Robert Bennett the Senator from Utah who was… Read More

Jason Cabel Roe


Don Wagner, candidate for the 70th Assembly District, has prevailed in Westphal v. Wagner, a suit filed against Wagner and the South Orange County Community College Board of Trustees, to prevent theoffering of invocations at graduations, awards ceremonies, and other District functions.

The plaintiffs, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, sought an injunction but after months of discovery, including depostions from Wagner and other trustees, and reviewing thousands of pages of documents, the aetheists could not make their case that the District was violating the establishment clause of the Constitution. The court denied the motion and invocations can continue.

However, this case is not necessarily over. The aetheists may force this to trial and there is always a chance that Wagner et al could be defeated.

Bottom line, however, is that Wagner and the Board of Trustees stood against the effort to ban invocations andreligious freedom and the First Amendment prevailed.

* Don Wagner is a client of RevolvisRead More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Attack Of The 50 Foot Pelosi!

Been on the road all day… But check out this video — it’s a campaign commercial for a candidate in Pennsylvania. But it’s a priceless depiction of San Francisco Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi… … Read More

Jason Cabel Roe

Website Targeting Democrat Markey Worth Taking a Look

Corey Gardner, the leading Republican candidate to take on Democrat Betsy Markey in Colorado (a top NRCC target), today launched a very clever website satirizing eBay, The site details the special interest money Markey has received.

Markey took out conservative firebrand Marilyn Musgrave, who served three terms in Congress, funded in large part by independent expenditures from billionaire heiress Pat Stryker. The district has 45,000 more Republicans than Democrats and Markey trails badly with unaffiliated voters. San Diegan Chris Hansen, a veteran manager, is running Gardner’s campaign.

Revolvis launched a similar strategy targeting first-term Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan, who our client, San Ramon Mayor Abram Wilson is facing in a rematch of 2008, highlighting Buchanan’s habit of abstaining from votes,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Immigration Wars: Whitman’s New Radio Ad

Meg Whitman has launched a new radio ad… The topic? Immigration. This ad, at the very end, features a testimonial from Governor Pete Wilson…

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Jill Buck

Yes on Prop 16

Prop 16 is the statewide version of something I told my city manager and one of city council members I would do back in 2005. At that time I was on the Pleasanton Energy Committee (PEC), and community choice aggregation (CCA) was a new option for communities. It basically allows cities to become the purchasing agents for the electricity used by the residents and businesses within their borders. Some of the strongest supporters of CCA’s were liberal politicos with an ax to grind with PG&E, and I was against it from the get-go. The mayor of Pleasanton and one of her left-leaning cohorts brought in consultants from Navigant to try to convince the PEC to vote to recommend that Pleasanton enter into a joint powers authority (JPA) with Berkeley to become a CCA. Supposedly, this JPA would allow Pleasanton and Berkeley to obtain more green energy than we could get from PG&E (impossible without significant rate hikes), and avoid certain fees that PG&E rate payers had to pay to cover some of the expenses still being paid off from the deregulation/Enron debacle. Imagine our surprise when we found out that the Navigant consultant who was trying … Read More

Meredith Turney

New Survey USA Poll Shows Poizner 2 Points behind Whitman

The Poizner campaign is trumpeting a new Survey USA poll that shows Steve Poizner just 2 points behind Meg Whitman, 37% to 39%. Here’s a TV report with the story:

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