GOP Candidates In Primaries Roll Out… Public Employee Union Endorsements?
I think the only thing this political cycle that troubles me more than Republican candidates who tout the endorsements from editorial board of major newspapers (said editorial boards packed with liberals trying to mess in the Republican primary when virtually none of these editorial writers are Republicans) — are Republican candidates who are rolling out the endorsements of — public employee unions!
Seriously. I know that everyone likes it when I name names — but for the purposes of this blog post, I will refrain. But today alone I have received emails from two Republican candidates, campaigning as conservatives, bragging that they the choice of public employee unions.
In one case is the endorsement of the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association and in the other case it is the California Correctional Peace Officers Association.
In case anyone hasn’t noticed, our state and local governments have been hit by a pension tsunami of epic proportions and the state’s public employee unions have been at the forefront of lobbying for unsustainable salaries and benefits — with no seeming regard of whether these… Read More