Sunday San Diego… CMA’s IE in AD 77, Getting Slushy in SD 36, GOP Voter Guide, Amato on Palin, and More
The Sunday roundup from around the region… Docs Weigh in for Wells in AD 77… In what has been a fairly quiet race to succeed Assemblyman Joel Anderson in the 77th District (at least compared to what I’m used to in prior Steve Baldwin, Jay La Suer and Anderson dust-ups), things may finally be getting interesting. The California Medical Association yesterday filed a late independent expenditure report to the tune of over $19,500 for a mailer in support of Bill Wells, as he vies against Brian Jones and Christine Rubin.
The amount may not jump out as that significant, but in a race where fundraising has been on the low side, it may be huge indeed(cash-on-hand for the three contenders was in the 25-30k range thru March 17).
Additionally, in the last couple of days, I’ve received two mailers from Jones and one from Wells. All positive…thus far.
Please toss me a note, if you see anything of interest in… Read More