Whitman Campaign Responds to Poizner’s eBay “Porn” Attack Video
Below I blog about Steve Poizner’s new web ad highlighting the growth of eBay’s porn marketplace under Meg Whitman’s leadership. Web ads with these highly funded campaigns are significant because they can (and do) turn into TV spots in some cases (the piece airing now by Poizner on Whitman’s voting record was first seen as a web-only ad).
I reached out to the Whitman campaign to get their response to Poizner’s eBay/Porn attack, and this is what we got from campaigns spokesman Dan Comstock…
"Is Steve Poizner seriously trying to tell us that eBay is a pornography site? eBay’s millions of users, including my grandmother, will find that a little hard to believe. Steve Poizner is desperate. He lacks momentum. He lacks grassroots support. Most of all, he lacks honesty. The only pornography in this race is the obscene act of watching a liberal like Steve Poizner try to pretend he’s a conservative." … Read More