Past Behavior
I don’t watch Dr. Phil, but I have been told that one of his favorite sayings is that past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior. If I have his saying wrong, I apologize in advance. But I like the sentiment, because it is absolutely true. One of the best ways of predicting what a politician will do in the future is what he or she has done in the past. That is not an absolute test, but it is not a bad one. Look at what someone has done, and that will tell you what they will do.
That is one of my problems with Meg Whitman. I have no idea what she would do in office, because I have no indication of what she has done in the past. The last politician I took at face value without a history was Arnold Schwarzenegger. Now, I will admit, I didn’t endorse Schwarzenegger because I thought he would be a great conservative. However, at the time I endorsed him, He was in a dead heat with Cruz Bustamante. Since conservatives had started the recall, I believed that a recall that ended with a Cruz Bustamante governorship would be a disaster for the movement. I know that Tom McClintock never forgave me for what I did, but I didn’t do it… Read More