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Jon Fleischman

Steve Cooley Drops Mail Piece To GOP Voters

This mailer just arrived to my home… (click on the image to enlarge)Read More

Jon Fleischman

Legislative Analyst Raises Red Flags About AB 32 Implementation

Assemblyman Dan Logue today released a copy of an evaluation conducted at his request by the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), which reviewed possible economic consequences of California implementing AB 32 in the absence of similar actions elsewhere in the nation.

“The LAO’s most recent analysis clearly indicates that California’s go-it-alone approach to global warming policy will have serious consequences for our state’s jobs, businesses and economy,” said Mr. Logue. “It also identifies critical deficiencies in the California Air Resources Board’s (ARB) evaluation of the costs of AB 32 in the context of ‘leakage’ of jobs and economic activity to other states.”

“With California struggling with over 2.3 million unemployed, a multi-billion dollar budget deficit and ongoing economic crisis, the LAO’s comments call into renewed question the wisdom of moving ahead with billions of dollars in increased energy costs and job losses that will put our state at an even greater competitive disadvantage,” concluded Logue. “The only fiscally responsible option here is to send ARB back to the drawing board to conduct a more… Read More

Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail Monday

* A clever solicitation from Florida US Senate candidate Marco Rubio – it had a dollar bill paper clipped on it

* A mailer from local Sheriff candidate Scott Jones “Endorsed by Sheriff McGinness”

* A mailer from the Fiorina from with her signature on the taxpayer protection pledge which I swear may have come once before, or something similar “Taxpayer Protection Pledge”

* A mailer from Ted Lieu for Attorney General, addressed to the woman who lived in my house six years ago, and who was a Democrat “Working for You”

* A mailer from local Sacramento City Council candidate Patrick Kennedy. Very clean, well done piece. TODAY’S WINNER.

* A slatemailer from the “California Taxpayer Protection Voter Guide”. Poizner and Fiorina. Not sure who puts this one out.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Harman Blasts Cooley In Radio Spot

State Senator and Attorney General candidate Tom Harman has launched a new radio spot… and it’s all about one of his GOP primary opponents, Los Angeles County DA Steve Cooley…

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Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Campaign’s Sodurlund On Tom Campbell Canceling TV Buys

I just got this via e-mail from Julie Soderlund over at Carly Fiorina’s U.S. Senate Campaign. The timing was good because I just had read where Tom Campbell had been canceling television buys…

From Julie… Over here at Team Carly, while we are watching our ads on the airwaves increase in frequency, reports over the last couple of days confirm that Tom Campbell has canceled his television AND his radio time – all of it – for this week. The Campbell camp is exhaling a lot of hot air as they struggle to come up with any good reason for why, but we sure have been amused by the excuses so far:Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Campaign Responds to Poizner’s eBay “Porn” Attack Video

Below I blog about Steve Poizner’s new web ad highlighting the growth of eBay’s porn marketplace under Meg Whitman’s leadership. Web ads with these highly funded campaigns are significant because they can (and do) turn into TV spots in some cases (the piece airing now by Poizner on Whitman’s voting record was first seen as a web-only ad).

I reached out to the Whitman campaign to get their response to Poizner’s eBay/Porn attack, and this is what we got from campaigns spokesman Dan Comstock…

"Is Steve Poizner seriously trying to tell us that eBay is a pornography site? eBay’s millions of users, including my grandmother, will find that a little hard to believe. Steve Poizner is desperate. He lacks momentum. He lacks grassroots support. Most of all, he lacks honesty. The only pornography in this race is the obscene act of watching a liberal like Steve Poizner try to pretend he’s a conservative."Read More

Barry Jantz

SD 36 Watch: McClintock Endorses Anderson

Not that we typically simply post press releases, but this is significant news, especially considering the philosophical make-up of the conservative 36th Senate District and the high regard area voters have for Tom McClintock…

Congressman Tom McClintock Endorses Joel Anderson for State Senate Most influential conservative in California says Anderson is the "kind of conservative we need to shake up the State Senate"

EL CAJON – California’s leading Conservative icon – Congressman Tom McClintock – has endorsed Assemblyman Joel Anderson for Senate District 36.

McClintock spent 22 years in the State Legislature before being elected to represent the 4th Congressional District in Washington D.C. He stands alone as the most popular conservative elected official in California.

"Assemblyman Joel Anderson is a proven conservative who will say no to bloated deficit budgets, Sacramento’s irresponsible spending and higher taxes. That’sRead More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Chuck DeVore Unveils New Ad Featuring Conservative Icon Tom McClintock

Here’s the new ad starring Congressman Tom McClintock, making a compelling case for Assemblyman Chuck DeVore’s candidacy for the United States Senate. Look for this video to travel far and wide on the web — as to whether it gets up on broadcast and cable television, that will be up to DeVore’s fundraising push in the final weeks of the campaign…

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