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Jon Fleischman

Guest Column: Chason Bullock – Students For Meg Get Organized For Final Push

Back in March I featured a guest column from Chason Bullock, the head of Students for Meg Whitman. I got a lot of positive feedback, and told Chason that as we got closer to the primary I would love to get an update on how things are going… Below is a new column from Chason for your perusal…

Students For Meg Get Organized For Final Push By Chasen Bullock, Statewide Youth Coordinator of Students for Meg and a senior at California State University, San Marcos The Students for Meg Coalition now has 40 chapters on California college campuses and students up and down the state are doing their partRead More

Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail May 24

I want to remind the readers that I live in a HEAVILY DEMOCRAT neighborhood… I generally don’t get a ton of Republican mail. JAY SCHENIRER FOR CITY COUNCIL “Timeout” this is the second in a series of sports related pieces. The first piece confused me, but I took the time to read this one and I agree with the guy that we shouldn’t donate land to the Kings team. PATRICK KENNEDY FOR CITY COUNCIL “Creating Jobs” Kennedy is running against Schenirer (above) – and I leaned towards Schenirer because of his early grassroots campaign but I’ve got to write that Kennedy’s mail is better, just more clear. COOPER FOR SHERIFF “Keeping deputies on the street” very clear (Today’s winner). SLATE MAILER “Council of Concerned Women Voters” featuring Whitman and Nakanishi.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gov. Romney, Sec’y Rice and HJTA’s Jon Coupal Star In New Whitman TV Spot…

Given the size of Whitman’s media buys, you may have seen this already… on your TV…

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Jon Fleischman

DeVore Campaign Launches TV Spot…

No word on the size of the buy, but it stars some well known actors… … Read More

BOE Member George Runner

When it comes to pilfering taxpayers, liberals are strong-willed

Say what you want about tax-and-spend liberals. One thing is for sure: They are strong-willed when it comes to pilfering money from taxpayers. Nothing can stop the liberal arm of the California Legislature from proposing $5 billion in tax increases as a means to plugging a huge budget hole. Not even the California voters who overwhelmingly opposed Proposition 1A last year (a ballot measure that would have raised taxes on Californians). This year’s proposed increases include hitting up California car owners – who apparently don’t spend enough on car taxes or at the gas pump – to pay more DMV fees. If only the liberals showed this kind of determination in handling taxpayer money. Read more about the tax hikes here.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Ninth Circuit upholds Arizona election public financing

Late last week the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which sits in San Francisco and is known as a liberal court, upheld the Arizona "Citizens Clean Election Act" which provides taxpayer dollars "matching funds" to candidates for state office to use for advertising of their campaigns. Since California is flirting with such a law, known as Proposition 15 on the next election ballot, the Court’s action is worth taking note of.

The conservative Goldwater Institute had been successful at the trial court level in knocking out the law on First Amendment grounds. Their solid argument in the trial court, along with a couple friendly PACs and candidates, was that the campaign law actually chilled or reduced speech rights. This is because under the law, if an opposing candidate fails to use only the taxpayer money for his/her campaign, and spends more than the candidate taking the state money, then the state automatically coughs up more taxpayer dollars for the candidate "on the dole." Thus, opposing candidates are discouraged to spend money on advertising, for fear that the government will respond by… Read More

James V. Lacy

More on Left wing OC Assessor and laughable Orange County Taxpayers endorsement

I was more than a little upset to see the Orange County Taxpayers Association endorsement in a slate mailer of Webster Guillory, the long term incumbent tax assessor here in Orange County. Reed Royalty, the President of OCTA, and the producers of the guide, have not garnered much credibility for their organization and slate by these actions, and Supervisor John Moorlach, who has had more than one opportunity to support Guillory’s conservative opponent, ranks among them in getting a huge taxpayer black-eye by their failure to support Claude Parrish. Parrish is endorsed by the County Republican party, leading tax groups, and leading Republican elected officials. He served eight years on the Board of Equalization. He is absolutely the right candidate for Republicans in this race, but the "old boy" network of county wheeler-dealers can’t stand it.

But now ace researcher Jim Sills has offered a lot more grist for the mill on this point and during this current "tea party age," Royalty, Moorlach, and the consultants who are doing this awful deed against conservatism need to be called out as less than virtuous conservatives… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Missed One

On Saturday I also got STEVE COOLEY FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL “A Prosecutor, Not A Politician”.… Read More

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