Poizner Wins Big — In Straw Poll Of California Tea Party Activists
This morning the Poizner for Governor campaign will announce that their candidate has 72% support amongst conservative tea party activists around California.
To be specific, Marc Harris, one of the leaders of California’s tea party movement has released the results of an survey that he and other tea party leaders undertook — the straw poll was conducted by a combination of telephone (1,417 respondents), and emails forwarded within and among one hundred eighty seven (187) established, grassroots Tea Party groups.
The other twenty-eight percent (28%) broke down as follows: Undecided 18%; Meg Whitman 8%; Other Candidates 2%.
In a similar poll taken in the first week of March, 2010, (sample size: 814) the percentages were: Undecided 53%; Poizner 14%, Whitman 23%; Larry Naritelli 9%; Others 1%.
In conjunction with the release of this "straw poll" of tea party activists, Southern Cal Tea Party leader Harris also released an extensive memo on why he thinks that Poizner is the best… Read More