FlashReport Weblog on California Politics
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Election Day & Prop 14
Hi FR gang, I thought I’d knock a little rust off my FR password in honor of Flash’s new arrival [Congrats!]
The race for the 12 county 4th Senate District up here is nearing its conclusion and what a ride its been. I’ve got a good feeling about it, with great thanks to my team…more on that later.
Justa bit on Prop 14, as I’ve seen very good commentary on here already. As vows are being made to have intra-party conventions in response to a possible passage of Prop 14, I have to wonder how that will be a better process than what we have now. The smoke-filled room way of doing business is the exact turn off to voters that will be perpetuated by PASSING 14, when, potentiallya few hundred party people can be wined and dined to favoring a candidate vs. having to make the case to all the electorate in a party primary.
With the "goal" of 14 to cause more moderate candidates, you instead get more bought and paid for ones answering to afew party bosses. The freedom of people that choose to affiliate with a particular party ideal areleft to choose an annointed one, post the party convention, not their… Read More

The Rick Amato Show W/Guests DeVore, Weaver and Jantz
Tonight on the Rick Amato Show in San Diego — Chuck DeVore and our own Barry Jantz. They are streaming the show, so I thought we’d offer it live… Show begins at 9pm.

Left Wing Fools
I received a number of emails yesterday about the case where Steve Cooley’s District Attorney office refused to charge a criminal under three strikes (which would have put this criminal, whose prior felonies were for rape and residential burglary, away for life), and instead charged him in such a way that he would only serve 32 months in jail. The criminal got, and four days later killed a young girl.
The criminal had sold $5.00 worth of marijuana to an undercover cop. He had previous raped a woman, and broke into someone’s home. Had Cooley pursued three strikes vigorously, he would have been attacked by the left for giving a life sentence a relatively minor crime. But had he pursued three strikes, a homeless girl would be alive today, instead of the victim of a brutal murder by a hardened criminal.
Remember the so-called pizza thief, the guy who got a life sentence for stealing pizza from a ten year old boy? The left screamed about how unfair this was. What they did not tell you was that this thug had been convicted of armed robbery, aggravated assault, mayhem, and a series of other really ugly crimes. He stole the pizza from the boy by… Read More

Latest “Science Project” From SF Board of Supes — “Radioactive Cell Phones” – Seriously
In Lewis Carroll’s 1871 book, Through the Looking Glass And What Alice Found There, we have a girl who can step through the parlor-room mirror into an alternative world – a world of fantasy. As someone who spends quite a bit of time reading about political happenings around the country, and especially in California, I can tell you that there is no place that is more peculiar, in terms of enacting the more bizarre and uniquely harmful regulations, or wealth redistribution schemes, than San Francisco. You literally can’t make up the stuff that goes on there. And then there is the fact that just about anything can see the negative consequences of these bizarre ordinances – except the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco – we seem “shocked” when their efforts to create their own bizarre utopia blow up in their faces.
A great example would be the fact that the city is in an uproar about whether to adopt a “sit/lie” policy which says, now get this, that during certain… Read More

Joel Anderson for State Senate
For many of the same reasons so eloquently noted by Jon Fleischman today in his commentary, I support Joel Anderson for State Senate. That should come as no surprise to anyone. Joel and I have been friends for many years.
Yet, I have many friends in politics that I would not necessarily endorse for office. It takes more than a warm body that happens to vote “correctly” to earn my support, especially at the state legislative level. It takes a fighter who understands just what this state is facing and how to turn it around, as well as someone who has the personal skills and tenacity to try to get it accomplished, instead of just being a “no” vote. That also means having such a philosophy all of the time, not just when it fits the polling or the climate.
I fear — no, I know — that some of those currently running at the highest levels in this state would be no different philosophically than the current governor if the polls said differently. A sad reality.
Joel Anderson is not part of that sad reality. He has a vision for the long-term… Read More

Prop 14 Means More Sestak Scandals
Survey USA just released poll results that show Proposition 14 is “positioned to pass” tomorrow. I know the Flash Report contributors have been vocal about the dangers posed by Proposition 14 and its “top two” primary system. Although the measure is being sold as way to lessen the influence of “special interest”—especially the political parties—Proposition 14 will actually create even more of the backroom political deals that voters despise. The latest political scandal creating headlines is the allegation by Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak that the White House privately pressured him to end his challenge against incumbent Arlen Specter. Amazingly, Sestak actually rebuffed the emissary sent by the White House: former President Bill Clinton. In the end, it worked out pretty well for Sestak when he defeated Specter in the Pennsylvania Democrat primary. Voters are … Read More