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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Statewide Election Results ReCap

As is always the case after a major election, there is much more to write about than there is time to write! Look for more substantive analysis on specific races and such, but for this morning, I will take a stab at some overall analysis – all of which will be too brief in any one, but this is an overview, after all. I am not going to be pouring election numbers into this, you can get plenty of that elsewhere. Before I start my run down, I want to echo the praise extended by FR friend Aaron McLear to the Capitol Press Corps who all stepped up in their blogging and tweeting last night. Outstanding. Also a reminder – I am mostly looking at GOP races – someone else will take a closer look at the Dems…

OK, off to the races…


**There is more – click the link**

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Frank Schubert

Meet Attorney General Steve Cooley

Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley not only won the Republican nomination for Attorney General, he got his dream match-up in Kamala Harris, the uber-liberal District Attorney of San Francisco, and he will be California’s next Attorney General.

Kamala Harris is simply unelectable as Attorney General. She has the worst criminal conviction rate in the state, having barely won over 50% of her felony trials. She presides over a Sanctuary City and actually provides support and legal comfort for illegal immigrants. She is on the hot seat for failing to disclose massive negligence in the San Francisco crime lab, a failure that could result in the release of thousands of violent criminals. She opposes the death penalty. She was THE most liberal candidate in the Democrat primary, and now she is toast. (PS – How do you feel today, Chris Kelly? $10 million for a 2:1 loss. Ouch.)

Steve Cooley is certainly not a perfect candidate. He’s got big problems with his administration of the Three Strikes law, especially his office policy not to pursue a third strike unless it is a violent felony. He also authored a ballot initiative to weaken the Three Strikes law.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Victory Speech (As Prepared)

Meg Whitman — Remarks as prepared for delivery… Thank you so much… What a great night! This victory is yours! I just received a very gracious phone call from Steve Poizner conceding the race. I want to commend Commissioner Poizner and his supporters for the energy they brought to their campaign. It has been a tough campaign, but I’m a stronger candidate tonight because of it. I’m battle-tested.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Follow Us On Twitter…

Update action for now is on Twitter here.

Top notes: It’s Whitman vs. Brown, Fiorina vs. Boxer.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

What I’m Watching Tonight

Attorney General, State Senate 4, State Senate 36, State Senate 40 (hey its Democrat but a good fight and I see Vargas at the airport all the time), Assembly 25, Assembly 29, Assembly 33, Assembly 59, Assembly 63, Assembly 68, Assembly 70, Assembly 77, San Jose Seat 1, Ventura County Supervisor Seat 2, San Diego Council Seat 2, San Diego Council Seat 6, San Diego Strong Mayor.

UPDATE: barn burner in Assembly 70. One to watch. UPDATE possible upset in Assembly 77.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

New election website by IGS + others

Check out this new website developed by the Institute for Government Studies at UC Berkeley.It called California Choices and it is apartnership between IGS, the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford, the Center for California Studies at Sacramento State, and Next 10, a Bay Area "green" think tank founded and funded by venture capitalist F. Noel Perry. This website shows the positions mostmajor statewide organizations have taken on state ballot measures and allows you to email your positions to friends.

This could be a handy tool when your friends and family call to find out how you voted on the ballot measures. The only issue is that the website does not tell you how they might be using the information collected during the transmission of information from friend to friend. Are they collecting and tallying the info? Are they collecting emails? I’m assuming that if the website proves to be useful to the public over the long termthose… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Election Night Tweeting & Blogging

Tonight I will be trying to provide some analysis of election returns from the comfort of home. While the State GOP’s election night festivities are here in Orange County, I have a great reason to spend this evening with my family. Today we brought home Sophia Elizabeth from the hospital — our daughter, Sophia, was born last Friday!

So besides this blog, the best place to track my musings and observations will be on Twitter here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund: What’s the Matter with California?

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary Email… (yours truly is quoted)…… Read More

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