National And State Republican Parties Work Towards Big California Victories
In a joint conference call for the press, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele and California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring unveiled the RNC’s Victory 2010 operation for California. Chairman Nehring made a point of emphasizing the unprecedented partnership between the CRP and the RNC and the enthusiasm Republicans are already showing as the general campaign season begins in earnest.
Since February of 2009 the RNC has played a role in more than 30 successful races across the country, including statewide victories in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts. The Republican National Committee is laying the groundwork to compete aggressively not only in California, but in all fifty states for victory in November.
The RNC announced that it will be supporting the CRP’s statewide efforts with the necessary funding and resources to help effectively communicate the stark contrasts between the Republican and Democrat candidates seeking office. This means the RNC will provide them with… Read More