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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

November Propositions Numbered Today

California’s November ballot will be busy with 10 propositions as Secretary of State Debra Bowen has recently certified and today numbered each for the voters to ponder. 9 of them were placed by citizen committees upon gathering the requisite signatures [and spending pretty good dollars to get them in most cases] The 10th is the $11 billion water bond placed on the ballot by legislative action.

An interesting point is there are 2 more redistricting measures on this upcoming ballot.One isto finish the job started by Prop 11 and include Congressional seats in the process that has turned drawing seats for Assembly, State Senate andBoard ofEqualization over to an independent citizens commission that is being formed right now for 2011. [Congressional seats were left out in a strategy to increase the odds of passing Prop 11 in Nov. ’08 as Pelosi and crew were sure to dump mega dollars to stop it from drawing Federal House seats]

The other measure, cynically, is to remove and deny the citizens commission [before it’s even been tried once] and turnit right back over to legislators to drawdistrict boundarieshow they see fit.… Read More

James V. Lacy

A very sad byproduct of recession

The front page headline in today’s Irish Times in Ireland, a 95% Catholic country, says it all: “Increasing numbers consider abortion because of recession”.… Read More

Meredith Turney

California vs. Colombia

It’s no secret Sacramento Democrats will take any and every opportunity to pontificate about issues outside their purview. Their most common means of expressing their opinions about national or international matters is the joint resolution. As Assemblyman Chuck DeVore pointed out via Twitter on Monday, the Assembly passed AJR 27, a resolution urging Congress to oppose a free trade agreement between the United States and the South American country Colombia. The resolution reads like it was written by labor union apologists, not unbiased evaluators of America’s relationship with Colombia. The day after AJR 27 passed the Assembly (it now needs Senate approval), the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board … Read More

Matt Rexroad

Money down?

These are not final numbers but I was looking at spending by Assembly candidates in this past primary season. My guess was that Republican candidates for the Assembly in reasonably safe seats raised and spent less money in 2010 than they did in 2008.

Total expenditures during the reporting periods are helpful because if people loan themselves money and it is real then we see it spent. $100,000 going in and out of an account does not come into play by looking at expenditures.

My comparison did not include and look at independent expenditures and was focused on the final reporting period prior to the election. 8 seats from each cycle. I tossed out AD 5 and AD 68 from this cycle because of the dominant posture of the two primary winners.

In 2008 I looked at — AD 2 (Nielsen, Schaupp) AD 3 (Logue, Horne) AD 10 (Sieglock, Hegyi, Sander) AD 15 (Wilson, Kamena, Rao, Lloyd) AD 34 (Conway, Smith, Becky Maze) AD 36 (Knight, Fox, Ledford) AD 64 (Nestande, McCarty) AD 71 (Miller, Blais)

In 2010 I considered — AD 25 (Olsen, Keating, van der Weide, Conrad) AD 29 (Halerman, McKinney, Whalen)… Read More

James V. Lacy

Prop. 8 legal under international law

The European Court of Justice, siting in Strasbourg, has just upheld on human rights grounds a Proposition 8 mirror-image law in Austria that bans same-sex marriage. The European Union’s high court found that the Austrian Proposition 8 clone is “not incompatible with the International Convention on Human Rights”. Six of 47 countries that signed the U.N.’s International Convention on Human Rights allow same-sex marriage, and a case brought against Austria by a gay couple from Vienna sought to serve as a leading case to establish precedent under Article 14 of the Convention (discrimination) in the European Union to knock out traditional marriage laws throughout Europe on human rights grounds. But the Court determined under Article 8 of the Convention (procedural) and Article 9 of the separate E.U. Charter of Fundamental Rights, the question of whether or not to allow same-sex marriage is left to regulation “by the national law of the contracting state”. That’s a pretty good decision. Maybe these United Nations types really aren’t conspiring against us.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Vargas now leads Salas by six votes in Senate District 40 race

It may be recorded as one of the most stunning electoral comebacks in the history of San Diego area politics.

Former Assemblyman Juan Vargas, who just two weeks ago refused to concede the race while Assembywoman Mary Salas was declaring victory and seemingly pulling away, now leads his opponent by six votes in the race for the Democratic nomination in the 40th State Senate District.

The winner will face Republican Brian Hendryin theNovember run-off. San Diego Rostra has been tracking the race all week, with Jim Sills posting breaking news updates as each of the three counties overlapping the senate district have revised their tallies with remaining absentee and provisional ballots.

"Completing an astonishing week-long comeback," writes Sills, "Juan Vargas today claimed the LEAD over rival Mary Salas in their classic primary." See the entire breaking news story posted late this afternoon.

The Rostra post was followed by on-line stories by the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger: Two Points Of View

We call those views "right" and "wrong" — you decide…

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Jon Fleischman

Brown Campaign Gaffe #3 – They Keep Lying About Selling The State Plane…

Jerry Brown keeps working hard to draw the “I’m just not cut out to be California’s top elected official” narrative – since the primary. First we had him compare his opponent Meg Whitman to Nazi Josephs Goebbels (yes, one of Adolph Hitler’s right hand men). Who does that? Shortly after that followed his snide retort to a reporter who asked him about state’s finances, to which he said that he had a plan, but that would tell us, “after the election.” (Seriously.)

Well, now are on to #3 of “Stupid Moments For Moonbeam’s Campaign” – the state plane that he keeps announcing he sold when Governor, that he did not sell. In a campaign video, Brown bragged up in April that he sold the Executive Jet – but he did not. But their campaign did sucker our friends Phil and… Read More

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