November Propositions Numbered Today
California’s November ballot will be busy with 10 propositions as Secretary of State Debra Bowen has recently certified and today numbered each for the voters to ponder. 9 of them were placed by citizen committees upon gathering the requisite signatures [and spending pretty good dollars to get them in most cases] The 10th is the $11 billion water bond placed on the ballot by legislative action.
An interesting point is there are 2 more redistricting measures on this upcoming ballot.One isto finish the job started by Prop 11 and include Congressional seats in the process that has turned drawing seats for Assembly, State Senate andBoard ofEqualization over to an independent citizens commission that is being formed right now for 2011. [Congressional seats were left out in a strategy to increase the odds of passing Prop 11 in Nov. ’08 as Pelosi and crew were sure to dump mega dollars to stop it from drawing Federal House seats]
The other measure, cynically, is to remove and deny the citizens commission [before it’s even been tried once] and turnit right back over to legislators to drawdistrict boundarieshow they see fit.… Read More