Brown Campaign Gaffe #3 – They Keep Lying About Selling The State Plane…
Jerry Brown keeps working hard to draw the “I’m just not cut out to be California’s top elected official” narrative – since the primary. First we had him compare his opponent Meg Whitman to Nazi Josephs Goebbels (yes, one of Adolph Hitler’s right hand men). Who does that? Shortly after that followed his snide retort to a reporter who asked him about state’s finances, to which he said that he had a plan, but that would tell us, “after the election.” (Seriously.)
Well, now are on to #3 of “Stupid Moments For Moonbeam’s Campaign” – the state plane that he keeps announcing he sold when Governor, that he did not sell. In a campaign video, Brown bragged up in April that he sold the Executive Jet – but he did not. But their campaign did sucker our friends Phil and… Read More