Is Senator Wiggins Competent To Serve?
Yesterday’s column by FR friend Dan Morain (it’s true, all of our "friends" are not fellow conservatives – don’t tell!) was a very heavy read. It centered around the declining mental health of State Senator Pat Wiggins. If you haven’t read Dan’s piece, you should take a few minutes right now to do so (it’s here.)
The very brief summary of Dan’s thoughtful and thought provoking piece — is that Senator Wiggins’ mental health has deteriorated to the point where she is largely absent — both from the Senate floor, as well as from Committee (Senate President Steinberg actually removed her from all Committees). At this point, Wiggins is led into the State Senate Chambers, to a spot away from the other Senators, where she can cast votes on issues when her vote is needed. Does she even know what she is voting for? Dan Morain couldn’t tell you — Wiggins is not available to the press. One of the major newspapers in her district has… Read More