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Jon Fleischman

*Breaking* Kern County Registrar: Rubio NOT resident of 16th Senate District

In response to the story we broke here this morning, the Kern County Registrar of voters has put out a statement that they were in error, and that Rubio’s home is NOT in the 16th District where he is a nominee.

Click the link below to see the press release…

What happens now… Should be interesting…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Does Democrat Nominee Michael Rubio Live In Senate District 16? You Make The Call…

Thanks to California’s infamously gerrymandered legislative districts the vast majority of seats are “pre-ordained” to be either Republican or Democrat. Only in a few districts is the registration close enough that a seat is “in play” in the general election. One of those is State Senate District 16 in the Central Valley.

This seat is currently occupied by term-limited Democrat Dean Florez, who has mentored Democrat Kern County Supervisor Michael Rubio (pictured, right) to succeed him. The Democrat “machine” in the southern part of the valley is so lock-step behind Rubio that he had no primary opponent whatsoever.

On the Republican side of the ballot, rancher and realtor Tim Theisen (pictured, left)Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Suggests Seven Debates

This just in from Team Carly’s Communication’s Honcho Julie Soderlund…

Yesterday Team Boxer and Team Carly met for the first time to discuss debates. As you know Carly is willing to debate Boxer pretty much anywhere, anytime. As a starting point Carly’s debate negotiation team comprised of political veterans Ken Khachigian and Beth Miller proposed a minimum debate schedule of five debates in local markets around the state in addition to two nationally televised debates. Team Boxer didn’t propose anything and said they would take our ideas back to Boxer’s camp. Below is the follow-up email Beth sent over to Dan and Ace that gives you the full rundown. We’ll keep you in the loop as this process develops! Dear Dan and Ace —Read More

Jon Fleischman

Does Democrat Nominee Michael Rubio Live In Senate District 16? You Make The Call…

Thanks to California’s infamously gerrymandered legislative districts the vast majority of seats are “pre-ordained” to be either Republican or Democrat. Only in a few districts is the registration close enough that a seat is “in play” in the general election. One of those is State Senate District 16 in the Central Valley.

This seat is currently occupied by term-limited Democrat Dean Florez, who has mentored Democrat Kern County Supervisor Michael Rubio (pictured, right) to succeed him. The Democrat “machine” in the southern part of the valley is so lock-step behind Rubio that he had no primary opponent whatsoever.

On the Republican side of the ballot, rancher and realtor Tim Theisen (pictured, left)Read More

James V. Lacy

Report from Dublin

Ireland is my kind of country. Literally. My dad’s dad’s line traces 11 generations to the family crossing to America in 1634. And his grandmother through his mother was born on the Emerald Isle. So I’m here enjoying a vacation and a pint of Guinness while doing some ancestry research at Trinity College in Dublin. Now is a good time to be here. The weather is great, everybody is excited that England made the soccer finals, and the Irish guy who won the U.S. Open last weekend in California’s Pebble Beach just made a triumphant return yesterday and is all over the news. And they love Americans. Yesterday my driver from the airport made a big deal of congratulating me on America’s World Cup victory over Algeria. I diplomatically accepted the congrats on behalf of all Americans but I’m glad he didn’t ask me the name of the striker that scored the winning goal. I love the Irish because they are such rebels, and I identify with that characteristic. A story in the Irish Times today discusses a planned visit of the 84 year old Queen of England later this year, which would be the first visit ever of a British monarch to the Irish… Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

Out of Control Spending

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Jon Fleischman

Whitman Launches Anti-Brown Spot

I am sure that the coalition of big labor unions that has and is going to fund most of the effort against Republican Meg Whitman’s campaign for Governor had this "vision" that they could attack and pummel Whitman, and that she would sit idly by. Umm, no.

Today the Whitman for Governor campaign launched their first piece exposing Jerry Brown for the long time, problem creating politician that he is.

Here is the ad…

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Barry Jantz

U-T’s America’s Finest Blog in limbo

As changes at the Union-Trib continue with last week’s seventh round of staff layoffs, it appears no stone is being left unturned as management determines the future of the paper, including its online content. Check out yesterday’s entry by Chris Reed on America’s Finest Blog

Let’s hope the mucketies at the paper find continued value in pushing the blog medium forward and allowing it to expand, not gutting it. Reed’s blog gives some unique political perspective and more of a cutting edge approach than can be found in the traditional broadsheet.

If anything has held AFB back from more of a following, it’s been the U-T’s lack of hi-liting and marketing it, so more readers would know it was there.

All of these things take money, of course, something not as abundant as a few years ago, especially in the world of newsprint. However, the future of news is in the far less costly electrons of on-line content, as compared to paper and ink.

It would seem a step backwards to end a blog… Read More

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