The average California IQ is lower than 47 states. Only Louisiana and Mississippi are lower.
IQ tests are controversial, but usually they do provide a pretty good overall look at a person’s or a region’s intelligence. The average IQ is 100. The tests have to be periodically adjusted to keep the average at the 100 mark. From the 100 average, the IQ distribution reflects the typical bell-shaped curve.
If you’ve not spend much time with people whose IQ is below the average, it may be hard to realize just how dangerous unrestricted (“pure”) democracy is. Remember, everyone’s vote counts the same in elections.
We all think of California as the land of smart people. Conservatives and libertarians are often puzzled how such a supposedly intelligent electorate can support liberal Democrats and their harmful policies.
Turns out, the underlying IQ premise is wrong. See below. The Golden State is the land of dummies.
California’s collective (average) IQ is lower than all but two states. Only the widely disparaged low intelligence states of Louisiana and Mississippi have a lower average IQ than California. And not by much. And like every state, no… Read More