Wednesday Thoughts (2 of 3)
I finally figured out that AB 32 is actually supposed to put people out of work. If you don’t drive to and from work, your carbon emissions are significantly reduced. I read an article where local “First 5” Commissions are reducing budgets because they are funded by taxes on cigarette sales, and less people are smoking. There is a lesson to be learned here – I’m still thinking about what it is. Senator Boxer is on what she calls a “jobs tour” of the state. Yet she is appearing where government spending is providing jobs. Boxer doesn’t understand that we need jobs that don’t come from deficit spending in Washington, D.C. I guess in some cases, no one is better than someone. It is very reassuring to not have Abel Maldonado in the State Senate during this coming budget show-down. Californian’s were unwise in passing a ballot measure to require that California chickens have larger cages, it means higher prices for eggs. The legislature and Governor have made it worse for consumers by applying this standard to imported eggs, too. Look for those McNuggets to get pricier! … Read More