The plastic grocery bag-ban is back, this time to not only infringe on your liberty, but also to tax you!
The voracious appetite of liberals in Sacramento to use government to manipulate our behavior, and steal more of our freedom has no greater poster child than Assembly Bill 1998. Sponsored by the “environuts” at Heal The Bay, the legislation would ban every grocery store (regardless of proximity to a bay, tributary or river) from being able to put your groceries into a plastic bag.
Heal The Bay’s bag ban bill amounts to a massive tax increase on Californians (well, assuming that you go into a grocery store). Those plastic bags you use now – the stores give you those. Under AB 1998, if stores put your groceries in a paper bag, they will charge you a per-bag tax of a minimum of a nickel. It could be a lot more.
AB 1998 is not the first attempt by Heal The Bay and their allies to ban infringe on your ability to use plastic bags to take home your groceries. But this year represents the first time that the lobbying arm of the large grocery store chains is supporting the bill. Why would they do that? The key is that the per-bag tax does not go into government coffers, that money goes into the pockets of – you guessed it – the grocery… Read More