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Jon Fleischman

Guy Houston’s Quixotic Run For State GOP Chairman

Guy Houston is a nice guy, at least to the extent that I have had dealings with him. Frankly, that hasn’t been much. During his six-year tenure representing the East Bay Area in the State Assembly, Republican Houston (pictured) was more or less a back-bencher. More moderate than many of his Republican colleagues (he voted for some budgets and voted to place bond measures on the ballot that would make a true-blue conservative roll their eyes), Houston was able to hold onto his office through three elections despite an increase of Democrats in the district. That said, when he retired due to term limits, the GOP did not retain that district, which is currently represented by liberal Democrat Joan Buchanan (GOPer Abram Wilson is making a spirited run to reclaim that seat this November).

I have to admit that I was somewhat surprised to receive a telephone call from… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ: Jerry Brown’s Pension Punt

From today’s Wall Street Journal… Jerry Brown’s Pension Punt The California Democrat won’t consider 401(k)s for state employees. The race for California Governor ought to come down to which candidate has a better chance to rein in the special-interest asylum that is the state legislature. Republican Meg Whitman is a conservative former eBay CEO but a political rookie, while former Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is a liberal but might be quirky enough to do a Nixon goes to Sacramento. Judging by his recent pension reform plan, however, Mr. Brown still has some relearning to do. This year, the Golden State isRead More

Jon Fleischman

Report from FPPC’s Subcommittee on Internet Political Activity

I have not even had a chance to read the attached report from the Fair Political Practices Commission Subcommittee on Internet Political Activity. I wanted to post it asap. I will read through it at the same time as the rest of you..… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Drilling Moratorium and Other Notes

Offshore Drilling Moratorium: One of the committees on which I serve is theJoint Economic Committee. This committee is primarily tasked with studying the U.S. economy, and consider factors which affect it. Last week, we had a hearing on the subject of energy. One of the witnesses was a professor from Texas A&M University. He made a very interesting point about the Obama Administration’s moratorium on offshore drilling. Ostensibly, the purpose of this moratorium is to reduce the risk of another oil spill until such time as acceptable oil spill prevention activities are in place, if ever. Interestingly however, this professor challenged that supposition. He pointed out that if the moratorium continues, 150,000 very high paying American jobs will be lost to Brazil, India, and other places for a period of at least 2 years. But in addition to that, the US will be forced to import more oil because of the domestic oil production that will be lost. That imported oil will come into the Gulf of Mexico and other ports, in ships. The professor estimated that it will take 1,500 additional tankers full of oil (roughly equivalent… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Steinberg’s Latest “Sales/Income Tax Swap” Idea Is Just Another Massive Tax Increase

With the state facing what is now a $19.1 billion budget shortfall, as we sit here now over a month into the fiscal year without a state spending plan, you can expect to see a lot of “creative” ideas coming out of liberal politicians who are desperately trying to close the budget gap while minimizing more cuts to state government spending. That having been said, virtually all of the one-time gimmicks and accounting tricks have already been used before reaching this point.

No one should be surprised that the latest “creative idea” to come out of the Capitol, purportedly floated by State Senate President Darrell Steinberg, is – you guessed it, another tax increase. His proposal is to raise most income tax rates for Californians, while lowering sales tax rates. The basic idea is that income taxes are deductable on itemized federal tax returns, and the swap in taxes would shift a few billion bucks from the coffers of the federal government into state government. John Myers of KQED Public Radio has an excellent summary and analysis of this proposal on his Capitol Notes Blog. I am excerpting some of it below,… Read More

Mike Spence

The Green Job Myth

Part of the debate around proposition 23 will be about jobs. AB 32 is responsible for driving out of Californiacompanies that can’t comply or can’t afford these new regulations and higher energy costs. No worries “Green Job” will be our savior.

First you may be interested in what a “green job” is? I found out some amazing things from Jared Blumenfeld, Obama’s Regional Administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency. Before this gig he was the Director of San Francisco’s Environmental Department.

At a regional visit in June, he talked about ‘green jobs”. Workers that install insulation=green job. Bicycle repairman, I mean bicycle repairperson = green job. I’m not kidding, he didn’t say anything about shoe store owners or cleaning people who turn off the lights, but why not? If you pick up a day laborer in front of Home Depot you are helping illegals and the environment as long as they put in insulation. That is a liberal twofer. Apparently Covina Valley Schwinn was doing green jobs my entire life. Who knew?

But it gets better. Anyone involved at all gets counted as a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*Breaking* Fiorina Campaign Announces County and Local Leaders of GrassrootsTeam

This morning the Carly Fiorina for United States Senate campaign is announcing an extensive and impressive group of grassroots leaders from up and down the Golden State who will be leading Fiorina’s ground campaign. We here at the FlashReport are pleased to be the first to bring you this list, which includes many of the best and brightest activists in the country. It is clear, from looking over this list, that Fiorina has quickly put her primary behind her, unifying all Republicans behind her bid to retire incumbent ultra-liberal Senator Barbara Boxer.

“As a political outsider running against an entrenched career politician who has been in Washington for nearly three decades, I need a robust coalition of Californians standing with me calling for new leadership and new ideas in the U.S. Senate,” said candidate Carly Fiorina about the announcement of this great of grassroots leaders..… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Steinberg’s Latest “Sales/Income Tax Swap” Idea Is Just Another Massive Tax Increase

With the state facing what is now a $19.1 billion budget shortfall, as we sit here now over a month into the fiscal year without a state spending plan, you can expect to see a lot of “creative” ideas coming out of liberal politicians who are desperately trying to close the budget gap while minimizing more cuts to state government spending. That having been said, virtually all of the one-time gimmicks and accounting tricks have already been used before reaching this point.

No one should be surprised that the latest “creative idea” to come out of the Capitol, purportedly floated by State Senate President Darrell Steinberg, is – you guessed it, another tax increase. His proposal is to raise most income tax rates for Californians, while lowering sales tax rates. The basic idea is that income taxes are deductable on itemized federal tax returns, and the swap in taxes would shift a few billion bucks from the coffers of the federal government into state government. John Myers of KQED Public Radio has an excellent summary and analysis of this proposal on his Capitol Notes Blog. I am excerpting some of it below,… Read More

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