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Jon Fleischman

Steinberg’s Latest “Sales/Income Tax Swap” Idea Is Just Another Massive Tax Increase

With the state facing what is now a $19.1 billion budget shortfall, as we sit here now over a month into the fiscal year without a state spending plan, you can expect to see a lot of “creative” ideas coming out of liberal politicians who are desperately trying to close the budget gap while minimizing more cuts to state government spending. That having been said, virtually all of the one-time gimmicks and accounting tricks have already been used before reaching this point.

No one should be surprised that the latest “creative idea” to come out of the Capitol, purportedly floated by State Senate President Darrell Steinberg, is – you guessed it, another tax increase. His proposal is to raise most income tax rates for Californians, while lowering sales tax rates. The basic idea is that income taxes are deductable on itemized federal tax returns, and the swap in taxes would shift a few billion bucks from the coffers of the federal government into state government. John Myers of KQED Public Radio has an excellent summary and analysis of this proposal on his Capitol Notes Blog. I am excerpting some of it below,… Read More

Shawn Steel

The Ruling Class and Maxine Waters

Congressman Maxine Waters lovesdictator Castro, accused President Bush as a racist, hates white people and generallydespisesall things American. She is nowthe newest poster gal for what’s wrong with Congress.

The bi-partisan House Ethics Committee is ready to accuse her for major inside bankjobin which her husband is a major stockholder. Last year, One United Bank,a largeminority owned bank, received $12 million in bailout funds. According to the LA Times the funding came after Walters arranged meetings between the bank and the Treasury Department. Three months later the bank got your money.

Today the Flashreport headlines feature that Maxine would rather have a trial than admit fault.

This is good.

80 year old Charles Rangel, formerly chair of the Ways and Means Committee, responsible for tax laws, is accused of not paying his taxes, thus breaking his own laws. He may face trial in September, just a cool 50 days before the November elections.

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Jon Fleischman

Rob Stutzman: Whitman Campaign Update

Rob Stutzman of the Meg Whitman for Governor campaign sent out an update to various folks, including this website publisher. With his blessing, I am sharing it with you, our loyal readers…

It’s been a while since I’ve sent out a bit of a campaign update. I’ve broadened my list so some of you are getting one of these for the first time. If you’re receiving this, I’m assuming you’re tracking the race whether you’re a journalist, government affairs advocate (why say “lobbyist”?) or a British bookmaker. I’ve gotten several questions this morning about the PPIC poll. While the poll essentially shows the base voters of each party are with their candidates and the swing vote is up for grabs, I always feel the need to caution seeingRead More

Senator Tony Strickland

It’s an Honor to Recognize President Reagan

It was truly an honor to join Governor Schwarzenegger and first lady Nancy Reagan yesterday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library to witness the signing of two bills honoring former California Governor and U.S. President Ronald Reagan. SB 944, a bill I joint-authored with Senator George Runner, designates February 6 of each year as Ronald Reagan Day. The first official Reagan Day next year will occur on the 100th birthday of the former president. Also signed into law was Assemblyman Garrick’s AB 1911, establishing the California Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission which will plan for the promotion, celebration and recognition of Reagan’s 100th birthday. Keeping in the spirit of Ronald Reagan’s idea of limited government, all of the preparation called for in AB 1911 will not use any taxpayer funds or grow the state’s bureaucracy.

In the midst of California’s out-of-control spending and rapidly increasing bureaucracy, I can think of no better time to remember a man who spent his life and career promoting limited government and fiscally responsible policies which freed up Americans to invest, thrive, create jobs and strengthen our economy.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AG Race Update: Latest Poll: Cooley 41%, Harris 34%

This just in from the Steve Cooley for Attorney General campaign. More bad news for the flagging campaign of looney-lefty San Francisco DA Kamela Harris… Significant to note the last line of this memo — the survey was not conducted (paid for) by Cooley’s campaign. TO: Interested Parties FR: Kevin Spillane & Joe Shumate, Cooley for Attorney General RE: Recent Polling on AG’s Race – Cooley Leads Harris 41% to 34% DT: July 29, 2010 A recent poll shows Los Angeles CountyRead More

Jon Fleischman

More Hypocrisy from Florez and Steinberg, this Time Over Farmworkers

Senators Dean Florez and Darrell Steinberg are high on their soapboxes this week, slamming Governor Schwarzenegger for not signing SB 1121, a bill that would have extended the state’s overtime labor laws to California farmworkers, who currently do not fall squarely under the standard system due to the seasonal nature of their work.

As Schwarzenegger spelled out in his veto message, Florez’s bill would have been bad for both businesses and farmworkers. Since other states do not have these wage requirements, the businesses here in California would just have made more crews work shorter shifts, which would have resulted in lower pay for everyone. And let’s also recognize that California, unlike other states, currently does provide for overtime benefits for farmworkers once they hit 10 hour days or 60 hour weeks.

According to Florez and Steinberg (or more likely the flacks who write their press releases), the Governor’s decision was an act of “sid[ing] with the shameful” or maintaining “discrimination.” Yet before these two finish crucifying Arnold, they should save a few nails for themselves.

That’s right, as this… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: More Hypocrisy from Florez and Steinberg, this Time Over Farmworkers

Senators Dean Florez and Darrell Steinberg are high on their soapboxes this week, slamming Governor Schwarzenegger for not signing SB 1121, a bill that would have extended the state’s overtime labor laws to California farmworkers, who currently do not fall squarely under the standard system due to the seasonal nature of their work.

As Schwarzenegger spelled out in his veto message, Florez’s bill would have been bad for both businesses and farmworkers. Since other states do not have these wage requirements, the businesses here in California would just have made more crews work shorter shifts, which would have resulted in lower pay for everyone. And let’s also recognize that California, unlike other states, currently does provide for overtime benefits for farmworkers once they hit 10 hour days or 60 hour weeks.

According to Florez and Steinberg (or more likely the flacks who write their press releases), the Governor’s decision was an act of “sid[ing] with the shameful” or maintaining “discrimination.” Yet before these two finish crucifying Arnold, they should save a few nails for themselves.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State Senate Campaigns: Weekly Update

Just in from State Senate Republican Campaign HQ…

Weekly Update Senate District 12 This week Anthony Cannella’s campaign opened volunteer-hub offices in Modesto and downtown Salinas to augment the two volunteer hubs already active in Merced County. Cannella’s campaign continues to deploy dozens of volunteers into the precincts every weekend. Upcoming Event: Anthony will be in Sacramento for a fundraising event Wednesday, August 18 at 5:30 PM at Mix. Contact Jamie Mori. Caballero Watch: It’s a telling sign that Anna Caballero’s website lists a total of five endorsements from Merced, Madera, and Stanislaus Counties. By contrast, Anthony Cannella’s website lists more than 100 endorsements. Senate DistrictRead More

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