Jerry’s Secret : WSJ & Pajamas Media
A huge story that needs lots of coverage.
"What’s troubling in all of this is not that [Jerry] Brown makes a good pension–or even that there may be some discrepancy about how much he makes versus how much he deserves. It is that the whole thing is SECRET!
"Let’s think this through for half a second. At a time when pension funds are bankrupting or potentially bankrupting states all across the country, when aging populations are forcing the reconsideration of all sorts of social security programs on practically every country on Earth (countries that have them, anyway), and when the state of California–the sixth or is it seventh, biggest economy in the world–is about to, once again, pay its employees with vouchers because it’s got zippity-do-dah in the bank, some officials of that state are receiving pensions whose size and identity we do not know and are not allowed to see"
Roger Simon for with news that Jerry Brown, has a state pension the size… Read More