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Jon Fleischman

The Unglamorous Truth about AB 1998 and Banning Plastic Bags

California is known for the glamorous lifestyles of its famous residents. Open up any gossip magazine and you’ll see pages of images of celebrities frolicking on the beautiful beaches of Malibu, dining at exclusive restaurants in Pacific Palisades, or partying in Hollywood nightclubs. It’s a lifestyle that very few Americans can relate to, but many envy. Conversely, celebrities, like California politicians, can lose touch with the very people they entertain. The perception of liberal bias in Hollywood isn’t inaccurate.

Some celebrities use their fame and influence to lend power to political causes. Such is the case with the California legislature’s attempt to ban plastic bags. Only in a state as celebrity-centric as California could an environmentalist protest in Malibu, featuring actors Julia Louise Dreyfus and Jeremy Irons, lead to a full-scale, statewide ban on plastic grocery bags. While Ms. Dreyfus and Mr. Irons may be accomplished actors, should their latest cause de… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CRP Convention: The Rules Committee Controversy – Or “Why Are People Talking About YR’s?”

In terms of business being handled by the Convention, this typically comes from the work of three key committees – Rules, Resolutions and Initiatives. Below is a report on how Rules issues were handled (or not) at the convention…

Delegates took key action at this convention concerning how to deal with the passage of Proposition 14, the terrible ballot measure designed by its proponents to reduce the number of anti-tax, pro-liberty Republicans in Sacramento, and allow more terrible budget deals like last year, which included the single largest tax increase in the history of any state.

Delegates approved key bylaw provisions that were ultimately authored by Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth and Assembly Republican Leader Martin Garrick that are designed to strengthen the party’s position in pending litigation against Proposition 14 (there is unanimous resolve amongst the leaders of the party to try and overturn 14 in the courts, though the best timing to maximize potential for success is still a subject of discussions).

Also important is that a proposal by CRP delegate Luis Buhler to repeal the statewide/district convention… Read More

James V. Lacy

Sterling Clifford is lying to you

Who is Sterling Clifford and why is he lying to you????

Sterling Clifford is Jerry Brown’s campaign spokesman in the race for Governor of California. He is a liberal political hack that used to be a chief spokesperson for Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, who was indicted on 12 counts of perjury, theft and misconduct in office last year. After being convicted, she resigned as Baltimore’s first African-American female Mayor in January of 2010, and Sterling headed west and took his job with Jerry Brown’s campaign in April, 2010.

Sterling Clifford has "done me wrong." I am currently working on the legal team reviewing and approving, for legal, a series of issue advocacy television advertisements which are critical of Jerry Brown’s performance in office. These ads are being produced by the "Small Business Action Committee," a nonprofit organization I incorporated and serve as General Counsel of, that is managed and directed by Joel Fox.

Well, the Brown campaign does not like the ads, which point out the army of lawyers… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Clandestine Meeting Between Brown, “Independent” Labor Boss

Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with far flung friends, but who knew it was a great way to spot potential campaign finance violations in real time?

The very talented Sacramento-based Democrat consultant Robin Swanson wrote on her Facebook page yesterday: “Random visitor of the day – Jerry Brown strolling into the office to meet with my office-mate, George Landers. With no entourage. And since he asked me to "like" him on Facebook, I figured I’d pass it on:

George Landers, according to his LinkedIn, is the executive director for the UFCW western states council and their former political director. That organization has joined with and contributed nearly $300,000 to California Working Families, one of the union groups who have spent $15 million propping up Jerry Brown’s campaign. The law requires these expenditures to be done independent of a campaign,… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

LAUSD rescinds its policy of race-based discrimination in teacher assignment

Good news today from Pacific Legal Foundation & Ward Connerly: “In a legal settlement responding to a Proposition 209 lawsuit by Pacific Legal Foundation attorneys, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has rescinded its policy of race-based discrimination in teacher assignment.” You can read the whole PLF release here. Fourteen years after voter approval, Prop. 209 continues to win fight after fight.It is because the initiative was well written and clearly thought out, from a legal perspective.And then it was vetted by some of the sharpest legal minds in the nation (Eugune Volokh, Gail Heriot, Clint Bolick, Manny Klausner and more).Throughout … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Patience! CRP Update Soon!

I’ve penned out my first draft on a CRP convention update going into detail on how things occurred with Rules, Resolutions and Initiatives over the weekend. It’s too long, goes into too much detail, and I need to double-check it because there were a lot of moving parts. I should be able to get it up this afternoon, though!

Jon… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Stutzman: CRP Convention Highlights Whitman’s Allies, Exposes Brown’s Faults

This in from longtime FR friend Rob Stutzman, who among other hats, is a senior consultant to the Meg Whitman for Governor campaign… CRP Convention Highlights Whitman’s Allies, Exposes Brown’s Faults By Rob Stutzman Think Barbara Boxer is happy about running with Jerry Brown? Someone should ask her. Think California Democrat Party Chairman John Burton, who once said, Jerry Brown is “the most self-serving, inept politician that I haveRead More

Jon Fleischman

AB 1998: Plastic Bag Ban/Paper Bag Tax Bill Misses Key Legislative Deadline — But Will It Find A New Vehicle?

We have exhaustively covered the annual attempt by the enviro-whack community to assault the freedom grocery store owners and their customers (us!) to use plastic bags to take home our groceries. This notion is so extreme and impactful on people that it has never become law. That said, this year the legislation (contained in AB 1998) got further than it has in the past.

To be honest, that has been due to the greed of the California Grocers Association and its members. Under the current legislation that has been passed in the Assembly, but not the Senate, in addition to banning plastic grocery bags, there would also be a state-imposed free of at least five cents a bag (if you did the math, this turns into the collection of hundreds of millions of dollars annually) — but that money doesn’t go into some enviro-whack state program, it goes right into the pocket of grocery store owners (predominantly massive outfits such as Safeway Foods). It a very bad… Read More

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