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Jon Fleischman

Are You A Deer In The Headlights?

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that 2010 is shaping up to be a very good year for Republicans. Every day there is another article that talks about it (here is today’s in The Hill) — and it should come as no shock to lawmakers of either party that the reason for this trend shift away from Democrats and to the GOP is because of overreach.

Most of the political factors that go into voter decision-making are geared around the national political scene — where Democrats are reeling from a hard-left push. Whether you look at Obamacare (and its significant costs), whether you look at the federal so-called "stimulus" spending which isn’t helping the private sector economy as much as it has been a boondoggle to support the public sector, or whether you look to efforts to create artificial government-created scarcities (like with the "cap and… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Bills Denies CEUs to Nurses for Political Activity

This is a crazy week in the State Capitol as tomorrow is the deadline to get bills passed and to the governor’s desk.While many of the bills considered each year are either silly or simply written to correct a mistake created by previous bill, there is one piece of legislation that I’m hoping makes it to Gov. Schwarzenegger.But it is a long shot. AB 378 (Hagman) would clarify what constitutes continuing education for registered nurses.While it seems like this would fall into the “do we really need a bill?” category, the answer is, “unfortunately, yes.”Just look to the political games the California Nurses Association plays (in the name of “patient care”) and you’ll understand why. Recently, lawmakers were alerted to CNA representatives promising continuing education credits to nurses who … Read More

Senator Tony Strickland

Watch My Speech at The California Republican Party Convention

Here is a video of my speech at last weekend’s convention. Thank you all who attended and voiced your support for sending a true fiscal conservative to the Controller’s office! … Read More

Duane Dichiara

Is Another Waters Ethics Problem About to Break?

See Bradley Benbrook’s "Water’s ‘unseemly’ slate-mail game" running now on Cal Watchdog. If you read one thing today, this should be it. It’s so outrageous I’m not even going to summarize it here. Just rub your eyes on it.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Union Protester Healed! And Some Attitude…

SEIU at its best…

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Duane Dichiara

Summer Reading

Some of the books I’m reading or have read (or re-read) over the summer.

Plunder by Steven Greenhut. If you haven’t read it, buy it today and read it. In short the book is about how public employee union members have become the new elite, and how the situation is unsustainable.

The Same of the Cities by Lincoln Steffens. After you read the Greenhut book read this series of articles in book form. They run over the corruption of 19th Century political machines that led to civil service reform that lead to civil service machines.

All of the original James Bond novels by Ian Flemming. A guilty pleasure I revisit most summers. Read them slowly and enjoy.

Red State Blue State Rich State Poor State by Andrew Gelman. We live in a news world that divides states red and blue. Why? Are they? If so, why? Is it income? Yes and no.

The Stalinist Penal System by Otto Pohl. This is an original source… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Fund on Miller-Murkowski Race

I know this isn’t California politics (as the Flashreport is geared towards) but John Fund’s blog todayon the Miller-Murkowski race in Alaska (I can no longer write Alaska without hearing Sandra Bollock’s voice in my head: A-las-ka. Go rent The Proposal if you don’t get it.) is worth reading.Looks like they don’t think Murkowski can win, even with the absentee votes that still need to be counted. Here’s a snippet: “Ms. Murkowski could also run a write-in campaign and has until Oct. 28 to choose that course. But such campaigns rarely work, are incredibly complicated and run the risk of being seen as a desperate sour grapes move by an incumbent not willing to bow to the will of the voters. In the end, Ms. Murkowski would doRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senior Citizen Nursing Home Tax Increase Has No Place In Final Budget Deal

It is downright embarrassing that we are nearly 60 days past the state’s Constitutional deadline for the passage of a state budget. Yet there is no state spending plan in place. The Democrats who control the State Senate and State Assembly remain committed to a course of trying to exact extreme financial pain on state taxpayers, looking to increase taxes to close the budget “gap” – while Republican legislators remain firm in their resolve to reject any budget plan that includes new taxes.

As a reminder of exactly how dysfunctional the budget process has become, the legislature continues to pass hundreds if not thousands of pieces of legislation that at best have nothing to do with the budget, or at worst, come with financial costs that will only worsen the budget crisis. All of the state’s legislators seem comfortable delegating the whole process over to the four legislative leaders, and we get to read tweets from the Capitol Press Corps, notifying us of occasional sightings – yesterday letting us know that the Governor is now meeting with Democrat and Republican leaders separately, conducing “shuttle… Read More

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