Are You A Deer In The Headlights?
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that 2010 is shaping up to be a very good year for Republicans. Every day there is another article that talks about it (here is today’s in The Hill) — and it should come as no shock to lawmakers of either party that the reason for this trend shift away from Democrats and to the GOP is because of overreach.
Most of the political factors that go into voter decision-making are geared around the national political scene — where Democrats are reeling from a hard-left push. Whether you look at Obamacare (and its significant costs), whether you look at the federal so-called "stimulus" spending which isn’t helping the private sector economy as much as it has been a boondoggle to support the public sector, or whether you look to efforts to create artificial government-created scarcities (like with the "cap and… Read More