The Energy Debate
Back in July, I was on the dais for a Joint Economic Committee hearing on the topic of energy. At one point during the hearing, one of my Democratic colleagues from New York made the statement that we could get rid of all oil usage in this country by using solar power.
This is a nice thought, but one not rooted in any understanding of reality. I then presented the challenges and opportunities facing our energy policy and challenged my colleague’s assertion with the three panelists (from MIT, Texas A&M, and a New York consulting firm – 2 Democratic panelists and one Republican). All three agreed with me.
If you take the emotion and proprietary interests out of it, our energy solutions are much clearer and in less dispute than conventional wisdom would have you believe. This is the first in a 3-part laptop report on energy discussing where our opportunities do and do not exist.
The first thing to understand is that we must separate the solutions for fixed source energy generation (electricity and heating) from the solutions for mobile source energy generation (trains, planes, and automobiles). The solutions for fixed energy are much easier… Read More