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Duane Dichiara

Is Another Waters Ethics Problem About to Break?

See Bradley Benbrook’s "Water’s ‘unseemly’ slate-mail game" running now on Cal Watchdog. If you read one thing today, this should be it. It’s so outrageous I’m not even going to summarize it here. Just rub your eyes on it.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Union Protester Healed! And Some Attitude…

SEIU at its best…

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Duane Dichiara

Summer Reading

Some of the books I’m reading or have read (or re-read) over the summer.

Plunder by Steven Greenhut. If you haven’t read it, buy it today and read it. In short the book is about how public employee union members have become the new elite, and how the situation is unsustainable.

The Same of the Cities by Lincoln Steffens. After you read the Greenhut book read this series of articles in book form. They run over the corruption of 19th Century political machines that led to civil service reform that lead to civil service machines.

All of the original James Bond novels by Ian Flemming. A guilty pleasure I revisit most summers. Read them slowly and enjoy.

Red State Blue State Rich State Poor State by Andrew Gelman. We live in a news world that divides states red and blue. Why? Are they? If so, why? Is it income? Yes and no.

The Stalinist Penal System by Otto Pohl. This is an original source… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Fund on Miller-Murkowski Race

I know this isn’t California politics (as the Flashreport is geared towards) but John Fund’s blog todayon the Miller-Murkowski race in Alaska (I can no longer write Alaska without hearing Sandra Bollock’s voice in my head: A-las-ka. Go rent The Proposal if you don’t get it.) is worth reading.Looks like they don’t think Murkowski can win, even with the absentee votes that still need to be counted. Here’s a snippet: “Ms. Murkowski could also run a write-in campaign and has until Oct. 28 to choose that course. But such campaigns rarely work, are incredibly complicated and run the risk of being seen as a desperate sour grapes move by an incumbent not willing to bow to the will of the voters. In the end, Ms. Murkowski would doRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senior Citizen Nursing Home Tax Increase Has No Place In Final Budget Deal

It is downright embarrassing that we are nearly 60 days past the state’s Constitutional deadline for the passage of a state budget. Yet there is no state spending plan in place. The Democrats who control the State Senate and State Assembly remain committed to a course of trying to exact extreme financial pain on state taxpayers, looking to increase taxes to close the budget “gap” – while Republican legislators remain firm in their resolve to reject any budget plan that includes new taxes.

As a reminder of exactly how dysfunctional the budget process has become, the legislature continues to pass hundreds if not thousands of pieces of legislation that at best have nothing to do with the budget, or at worst, come with financial costs that will only worsen the budget crisis. All of the state’s legislators seem comfortable delegating the whole process over to the four legislative leaders, and we get to read tweets from the Capitol Press Corps, notifying us of occasional sightings – yesterday letting us know that the Governor is now meeting with Democrat and Republican leaders separately, conducing “shuttle… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Unglamorous Truth about AB 1998 and Banning Plastic Bags

California is known for the glamorous lifestyles of its famous residents. Open up any gossip magazine and you’ll see pages of images of celebrities frolicking on the beautiful beaches of Malibu, dining at exclusive restaurants in Pacific Palisades, or partying in Hollywood nightclubs. It’s a lifestyle that very few Americans can relate to, but many envy. Conversely, celebrities, like California politicians, can lose touch with the very people they entertain. The perception of liberal bias in Hollywood isn’t inaccurate.

Some celebrities use their fame and influence to lend power to political causes. Such is the case with the California legislature’s attempt to ban plastic bags. Only in a state as celebrity-centric as California could an environmentalist protest in Malibu, featuring actors Julia Louise Dreyfus and Jeremy Irons, lead to a full-scale, statewide ban on plastic grocery bags. While Ms. Dreyfus and Mr. Irons may be accomplished actors, should their latest cause de… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CRP Convention: The Rules Committee Controversy – Or “Why Are People Talking About YR’s?”

In terms of business being handled by the Convention, this typically comes from the work of three key committees – Rules, Resolutions and Initiatives. Below is a report on how Rules issues were handled (or not) at the convention…

Delegates took key action at this convention concerning how to deal with the passage of Proposition 14, the terrible ballot measure designed by its proponents to reduce the number of anti-tax, pro-liberty Republicans in Sacramento, and allow more terrible budget deals like last year, which included the single largest tax increase in the history of any state.

Delegates approved key bylaw provisions that were ultimately authored by Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth and Assembly Republican Leader Martin Garrick that are designed to strengthen the party’s position in pending litigation against Proposition 14 (there is unanimous resolve amongst the leaders of the party to try and overturn 14 in the courts, though the best timing to maximize potential for success is still a subject of discussions).

Also important is that a proposal by CRP delegate Luis Buhler to repeal the statewide/district convention… Read More

James V. Lacy

Sterling Clifford is lying to you

Who is Sterling Clifford and why is he lying to you????

Sterling Clifford is Jerry Brown’s campaign spokesman in the race for Governor of California. He is a liberal political hack that used to be a chief spokesperson for Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, who was indicted on 12 counts of perjury, theft and misconduct in office last year. After being convicted, she resigned as Baltimore’s first African-American female Mayor in January of 2010, and Sterling headed west and took his job with Jerry Brown’s campaign in April, 2010.

Sterling Clifford has "done me wrong." I am currently working on the legal team reviewing and approving, for legal, a series of issue advocacy television advertisements which are critical of Jerry Brown’s performance in office. These ads are being produced by the "Small Business Action Committee," a nonprofit organization I incorporated and serve as General Counsel of, that is managed and directed by Joel Fox.

Well, the Brown campaign does not like the ads, which point out the army of lawyers… Read More

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