Mobile Energy
As I mentioned earlier, the greater challenge for energy policy going forward is in mobile source energy, meaning planes, trains, and automobiles. This is where the most urgent economic and foreign policy need arises, but where the technological barriers are also the most severe.
Weaning ourselves from foreign oil is an objective shared by almost everyone, albeit for different reasons. Some want to stop sending trillions of dollars to countries who don’t like us or our way of life. Some decry the economic harm caused by our trade deficit, of which oil imports are a major part. Others want to see those energy jobs here and not in Saudi Arabia or Indonesia. And, still others want to find less polluting alternatives. All of these are valid points. So, let’s just stipulate that eliminating American imports of oil sourced from outside North America is a worthy goal.
So how do we use our oil? Less than 1% of oil is used to produce electrical energy. About 30% is used in industrial processes, such as the making of plastics. That is obviously a significant amount. It is beyond the scope of this piece to get into detail about that, but suffice it to say that… Read More