Look Who’s Funding No on 20/Yes on 27 – Self Interested Politicians and Big Labor…
I just got my Ballot Information booklet in the mail from the Secretary of State’s office. In the booklet the official proponents and opponents of measures list their contact information and in most cases a website. The timing was good because I was interested in reading what proponents of Proposition 27, the ballot initiative that would wipe out voter-approved Prop 11 and return the power of redistricting to Sacramento politicians. (You will recall that voters actually thought that there was a conflict of interest in legislators drawing their own district boundaries — and adopted a new system of an independent commission to draw the lines.) Listed in the brochure for the proponents of 27 is http://www.yesprop27.org.
But what I found when I went to that website was…nothing. The website address is still parked with Register.com, and has never been activated. It appears that the Yes on Prop 27 campaign is missing in action—it has no website where voters can get information about their self-interested… Read More