More lies from Brown Camp and their LA Times flunkies
Comedic actor Jon Lovitz, formerly of Saturday Night Live, used to portray a great character, Tommy "The Liar" Flanagan. Tommy was a member of the "Pathological Liars Anonymous" who once lied on-screen about being the "official spokesman for NBC, yeah." But in the last few days you’d think Tommy The Liar was working for the Brown for Governor campaign.
Brown’s campaign is just full of lies. Real life spokesman Sterling "The Liar" Clifford lied about me during this campaign season, saying I was a "birther" to try to sully efforts to get information out on television about Brown’s performance in office. That was clearly a lie, with about 24 news stories directly to the contrary, but the lies just kept on coming despite being confronted with the truth. And they got their flunkies at the San Francisco Chronicle to help spread the lies, too.
The Brown… Read More