Jerry Brown Admits not addicted to cocaine
If I owned the Los Angeles Times and could even the score with the Brown campaign’s and that newspaper’s terrible treatment and lies about Meg Whitman, I’d get one of my reporters to ask Jerry Brown this question: “Are you addicted to cocaine?” When Brown refused to answer the question because it is stupid question to ask, I’d publish a big headline in the Times “Brown refuses to Answer Question about cocaine addiction”. Then when Brown eventually would say he was not addicted to cocaine, I would write another headline, “Brown admits not addicted to cocaine”. The deceptive headlines over baloney stories such as the housekeeper story simply show how far Brown and his media flunkies are willing to go to avoid what really needs to be discussed in this campaign: the government employee union stranglehold on policy in Sacramento. These powerful unions are bankrupting not only the state with their huge pensions, they are also bankrupting the future of our state by producing the poorest performing generation of students in California history. While Brown and the SF Chronicle and LA Times wallow in a message about one… Read More