Your 26 Days Out Campaign Advice
Those fundraising letters you sent out…what kind of return did you get? Four percent? Maybe 10 or even 20 percent if you sent them to friends?
So, what are you going to do about the huge majarity that haven’t replied? Whine about how not even your friends are kicking in during this difficult economy? Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Have you called them to follow up on the letter? Too difficult, you say? It’s one thing to simply send a letter, since you don’t have to deal with the reaction and possible rejection (I can hear you thinking this), but it’s quite different to actually be on the phone with someone and ask them for money.
True dat. Yes, it is. That’s exactly why you need to do it.Even well intentioned folks put a solicitation to the side until later and often forget about it…unless they get a call to remind them, a direct plea as to why you need the funds and how you’re going to serve their best interests in elective office.
To most politicians, it’s the most hated — and avoided — part of campaigning.
Winners commit to doing it. The political ash-heap is laden with… Read More