David Zucker Produces Hilarious Barbara Boxer Video
David Zucker, the man behind such hits as “Airplane” and the “Naked Gun” series, is using his comedic genius to take on Barbara “Don’t call me ma’am” Boxer in a hilarious new video. On Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood web site today, Zucker explained that after watching Boxer’s arrogant dressing-down of Brigadier GeneralWalsh during a committee hearing last year, he was mortified that he had ever supported Boxer. Read the rest of his blog here.
It’s refreshing and encouraging to see so many talented individuals in Hollywood are waking up to the truth and embracing conservative principles—despite potential backlash among their peers. Thanks to the boldness of people like Andrew Breitbart and David Zucker, more and more of those in the entertainment industry can openly share their political beliefs.