The 2011 Tax Quiz
Last week, I promised you an opportunity to gauge your understanding of the consequences of Congress failing to extend current tax rates before the year ends. Well, below you will find a short multiple choice quiz to assist you in testing that understanding. Good luck!
1) Currently there is no Death Tax. However, on January 1, 2011, the Death Tax will come back at a rate of:
a) 55% of all family assets over $1 million. (This is not indexed for inflation, so the "value" of that $1 million exemption will drop over time.) b) 45% of family assets over $3.5 million. (Indexed for inflation.) c) Zero, if you are a member of a government employee union; and 95% if you are not. d) Death will be made illegal, and will be punishable by confiscation of all assets of those who violate the law. e) Your tax will be inversely proportional to your global warming carbon footprint.
2) Currently, the highest individual tax rate on dividend income received from a corporation is 15%. This is after the corporation has paid 35% tax on the income before paying the dividend. So, under current… Read More