It’s Still 10:30pm Election Night…
Gone are the old days when candidates and political onlookers alike went to bed on election night with final election results. On the contrary, unless a candidate has racked up a substantial lead by evening’s day end, it will be days (or maybe even weeks) before final results are known. This played itself out in the primary for Assemblyman Mike Villines who ultimately won the GOP primary for State Insurance Commissioner but didn’t know that for literally weeks after election day had passed. Now it is Steve Cooley and Kamala Harris’ turn to wait it out as the slow process of waiting for all of the ballots to be counted continues to take place.
Locally here in Orange County where I live, Neil Kelly, our Registrar of Voters, said that some 30% of the total votes to be counted in the general election were still being processed. I live in a small town in South Orange County called Rancho Santa Margarita. In our local city council races, the differential between several candidates is so small (less than a hundred votes) that the outcome is completely up in the air — with over 4,300 ballots yet to be… Read More